Max abstractions for working with the Novation Launchpad. Basically these wrap the functions described in the Launchpad Programmer’s Reference in easy-to-use messages so that you don’t have to worry about the Launchpad’s MIDI protocol in order to manipulate LEDs and get input. You can set LEDs, control double buffering and flashing, perform rapid LED updates, change overall brightness, and get input from the Launchpad.
- Easier to understand help files with Max 6-ish look
- New phi.lpad.smartout object for smooth animations
- Argument validation re-introduced
- Now distributed as a package
Download official package from:
Or put the files from this directory on your max search path.
There are three main objects to use:
- - Get button presses from the Launchpad.
- phi.lpad.out - Set Launchpad LEDs and control how they are displayed.
- phi.lpad.smartout - Efficiently render smooth animation to the Launchpad.
Check out the Max help files for these objects for more details.
Check out phi.lpad.movieplayer in the examples folder. This patch renders movies onto the Launchpad, demonstrating how you can map Jitter matrices to the Launchpad.