A minimalistic pet store management application implemented in Vaadin.
The application demonstrates the following features:
- Vaadin 20+, Spring Boot 2.5+, JPA and Liquibase
- All CRUD operations.
- UX customizations via CSS and theme switching.
- Collaborative data editing with real-time updates of data changes in all connected clients.
Try out this application at:
vaadin-petstore @ heroku
./gradlew bootRun
If successful, vaadin-petstore can be accessed under: http://localhost:9999/ in a web browser .
In order to deploy the application productively, the production JAR file can be built by running:
./gradlew clean build
The JAR file can be run:
java -jar $(find build/libs/*.jar|grep -v plain)
or renamed to *.WAR and deployed in any servlet-capable server such as:
Tomcat, Jetty
Build image:
./gradlew bootBuildImage
docker run -it -p9999:9999 petstore:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
A free account can be created at Heroku.
Once registered, the JAR file from above can directly be deployed by creating a new app with a unique name.
Provided Heroku CLI is installed, the following commands must be run in order to deploy the JAR file:
heroku login
heroku plugins:install java
heroku create --no-remote unique-vaadin-petstore-application
heroku deploy:jar $(find build/libs/*.jar|grep -v plain) --app unique-vaadin-petstore-application
# heroku ps:scale web=1 -a unique-vaadin-petstore-application
A file from the current DB data can be generated in order to pre-populate a new DB with other than the provided default data in changelog/.
# build
./gradlew clean build
# update (sync) db to current changelog state
./gradlew update -PrunList=update
# create a changelog against application entities
./gradlew diffChangeLog
# if you want to use a local postgres instance as your DB, you can run:
docker run --rm --name local-postgres -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=sa -d postgres
# if using postgres you have to supply an additional parameter to diff and update above, such as:
./gradlew update -PrunList=update -Pdb=postgres
./gradlew diffChangeLog -Pdb=postgres
# H2
./gradlew -q --console=plain h2shell
# Postgres
./gradlew -Pdb=postgres -q --console=plain h2shell
f=".id, .name, .iso2, .iso3, .emoji, .emojiU"
echo "$f"|tr -d ". "|tr , "\t"
jq -c --raw-output '.[] |['"$f"']|@tsv' ./countries.json
) | sed -e "s/^/-/" |\
tee 103-countries.tsv | head -10
--> add the css to frontend/style
- Introduction to Vaadin
- https://vaadin.com/docs/latest/ds/components/grid
- https://vaadin.com/forum/thread/18266029/grid-with-multiple-row-inline-edit-mode
- Vaadin Gradle Skeleton Starter Spring Boot
- Vaadin Components
- Sample Application with Spring Boot and Vaadin
- Vaadin: Theme Variants
- Vaadin: Lumo Customization
- Vaadin: Starting a Project: gradle
- Using the Heroku Java CLI Plugin
- Liquibase Gradle Plugin