In this repository we present the semantic model in RDF for two cases (dummy data):
- FAIR-HVA-ex1.ttl: A subject who was a patient with a feminine gender and resistance+reactance measured with BIA (Bio-electrical Impedance Analysis)
- FAIR-HVA-ex2.ttl: A subject who was not a patient with a masculine gender and fat-free mass measured with a BODPOD (Air displacement plethysmography)
What is more?
- The ShEx-file is for validation of the model
- The JSON-file contains all steps in OpenRefine (version 3.3) to create the final Turtle-file
- The original (SPSS-)datafile and accompanying Turtle-file contain privacy sensitive information and are therefore only available under strict conditions in the institutional resposity UvA/HvA figshare (doi to add)
More information about the project and data: see the Github-wiki
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS), Center of Expertise Urban Vitaly, SIA-project Mensen in Beweging