🚀 Find a more detailed explanation about the concept and code in my LinkedIn Article.
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This repository show you how to create a straightforward online shop application using Spring Boot for the backend, Angular for the frontend and Jasper Report for generating report. With just these technologies, you'll set up a simple yet functional online shop.
Quick look at what this application can do: manage customer, item, and order data with ease, and generate detailed order summary reports.
This application is built using technologies such as spring boot, angular, and jasper report. To create this project, the following prerequisites need to be met:
- Java 17 or higher
- NodeJs 20 or higher with NPM package manager
- Angular CLI, you can install by executing the command below (make sure you have node js and npm)
- MySQL Database
- MinIO (For object storage, you can also use your file storage to save customer image profile)
- Jasper Studio
- IDE/Text Editor (I'm using IntelliJ Idea Community Edition for developing backend and Visual Studio Code for developing frontend)
Create new database called "onlineshop", then create tables customer, item and order like design below.
You can create the database and tables by executing this SQL query i've provided that can be accessed in this Link.
Because it's to long to cover in this readme, you can read the step-by-step to setup MinIO in my LinkedIn Article. 🙇
Because it's to long to cover in this readme, you can read the step-by-step to setup Jasper Report in my LinkedIn Article. 🙇♂️
To run the Spring Boot application, use this command.
mvn spring-boot:run
To run the Angular application, use this command.
ng serve