- Docker
- Docker Compose
- Azure Storage Explorer
- Clone this Repo
- Run all the containers using docker-compose up (this will pull and build the containers initially)
docker-compose up
- Create the Azure Storage artifacts Run Azure Storage Explorer and create the following Blob Containers:
- input-container
- output-container
- Create the following queue:
- queue
- Try out the HTTP calls from the http directory using the VS Code REST Client extension and see it get processed by the HttpTriggeredFunction
- Add a new message to the queue and see it get processed by the QueueTriggeredFunction
- Add a new file to the input-container and see it get copied to the output-container by the BlobTriggeredFunction
- Press CTRL-C to stop the docker-compose command
- To debug the application in VS CODE, press F5 from inside the cloned directory, this will start the storage emulator container first
- Cleanup every running container using docker-compose down
docker-compose down