This code was previously used in an early version of the Melrose Labs SMPP SMSC Simulator service. The SMSC simulator (or SMPP simulator) is used to test an SMS application's support for the SMPP protocol and to simulate the delivery of SMS.
g++ -std=c++11 smscsimulator.cpp -o MLSMSCSimulator
The SMSC will listen for connections on port 2775.
If you wish to use TLS with the SMSC simulator, then you should put an AWS load balancer in front of the server on which you run the simulator or use openssl to bridge to the SMSC simulator.
Alternatively you can build and run the SMSC simulator in docker
docker-compose up
This will build and run the SMSC simulator in Docker on port 2775.
Melrose Labs SMPP SMSC Simulator - (service running newer version of code not published in smpp-smsc-simulator repo)
SMPP protocol -