Python Data Science and Machine Learning and Tensorflow 2 and Keras Deep Learning Bootcamp Mini Projects
(Mini Projects)
project 1: learning analysing the data and visualization it using seaborn, panda, numpy, cufflinks
exercise 1: analysing global financial stability dataset with pandas
project 2: learning linear regression, how to train and test the data
project 3: learning logistic regression
project 4: k nearest neighbors
project 5: decision trees and random forests model, second project with dtreeviz library
project 6: Breast cancer wisconsin (diagnostic) dataset and analyzing the famous iris data set.(built-in datasets of python)
project 7: K means clustering and analysing a college data
project 8: Recommender systems
project 9: This dataset contains house sale prices for King County, which includes Seattle. Project for evaluating simple regression models.
project 10: Working with the previous cancer diagnostic dataset in deep learning, building models, dropout and early stopping(callbacks).
project 11: Working with a subset of the Lending Club dataset obtained from Kaggle.