motionaudio - An add-on for motion that captures and merges audio recordings with motion captured videos
This project is a module or add-on to the popular Motion Detection and recording application called 'motion' ( It adds a separate audio recording process using the applicaiotn 'arecord', that starts recording when the video recording process is initiated by motion. It also stops recording when the video recording process stops, terminated by motion. Then the audio and video files are merged using ffmpeg into a single file (mkv, avi, flv, or mp4).
Note: It only works with local webcams, it will not work with IPCams or POE Cameras or any other remote cameras.
- Requires the folloowing packages to be installed: motion, arecord, ffmpeg pgrep, pkill, v4l2-utils. On ubuntu you use this command to install them;
sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y motion alsa-utils procps v4l-utils
- Modify the
- Update all the variables with your specific configuration
- To find your available video recording devices, you can use the following command;
v4l-utils --list-devices
Optional: You can specify the microphone input hardware to use for the 'arecord' command line parameters.
- To find what microphone input hardware you have installed, you can use this command;
aplay --list-devices
3.. Then change this line in the to use the hardware of your choice;
/usr/bin/arecord -f cd -r 22050 -D plughw:2,0
- Download or Copy the file in this project '' file to /usr/bin/ and make it executable
sudo cp ./ /usr/bin/
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/
- Then when your ready to start using motion - instead of running motion process directly, use the following command;
/bin/bash /usr/bin/ StartMotion
- To terminate motion (and the audio) - instead of killing the motion process directly, use the following command;
/bin/bash /usr/bin/ StopMotion
Note: Works on Ubuntu 18.04 - 23.04