Java implementation of Substitution Driven Measures of Association (SDMAs) presented in Chapter 4, Section 4.3.4 of PhD dissertation Computational Models of Learning the Idiosyncrasy of Multiword Expressions
The unige.cui.meghdad.nlp.mwe2
package implements a model of extracting two-word multiword expressions (MWEs) or collocations based on the Substitution Driven Measures of Association (SDMAs).
implements m1
and m2
models presented at: TO_APPEAR
Since MWEs are better defined on a spectrum of idiosyncrasy and not as a binary phenomena, the program generates a ranked list of MWEs. The compounds at the top of this list are those that are least non-substitutable and consequently more idiosyncratic or lexically rigid. The compounds at the bottom of the list on the other hand are more substitutable and hence less idiosyncratic.
The program can be used in two ways.
Required flags:
Path to the corpus in plain text that is segmented and tokenized must be specified through -p2corpus
Path to a word representation file (w2v output format) must be specified through -p2wr
Length of the word representations must be specified through size -size
Optional flags: -rc Ranking criterion: SDMA1, SDMA2. Default = m2 (for more information about the criteria see the article). -maxRank Indicates the top n ranked MWEs that will be returned. Defaul=200.
java -Xmx5g -cp dist/cui-mf-nlp-mwe-m2.jar unige.cui.meghdad.nlp.mwe2.MAIN_Corpus -p2corpus "PATH_2_CORPUS" -p2wr "PATH_2_POSTAGGED_REPRESENTATIONS" -size 200
Required flags:
Path to the corpus in plain text that is segmented and tokenized must be specified through -p2corpus
Path to a list of word pairs must be specified through -p2candidates
Path to a word representation file (w2v output format) must be specified through -p2wr
Length of the word representations must be specified through size -size
Optional flags: -rc Ranking criterion: SDMA1, SDMA2. Default = m2 (for more information about the criteria see the article). -maxRank Indicates the top n ranked MWEs that will be returned. Defaul=200.
java -Xmx5g -cp dist/cui-mf-nlp-mwe-m2.jar unige.cui.meghdad.nlp.mwe2.MAIN_File -p2corpus "PATH_2_CORPUS" -p2wr "PATH_2_POSTAGGED_REPRESENTATIONS" -p2candidates "PATH_2_CANDIDATES" -size 200
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