A graph matching library which provides stable and popular matching algorithms for the HR problem.
clang compiler, cmake, ninja (if desired)
$ mkdir build; cd build
$ cmake -G "Ninja" ../
$ ninja
You can replace Ninja with "Unix Makefiles" in the above command. Then type make to build.
This should build an executable named graphmatching inside the build directory.
The executable takes a set of parameters to compute the desired matching:
-s -- compute a stable matching
-p -- compute a maximum cardinality popular matching
-m -- compute a maximum cardinality matching
-h -- compute a matching in a given HRLQ instance
To provide an input graph, and the output matching filename:
-i -- /path/to/graphfile
-o -- /path/to/store/the/matching
Also, for the -s, -p, and -m parameters, you could specify the resident/hospital proposing algorithm (by default it runs the resident proposing algorithm).
-A -- run the resident proposing algorithm
-B -- run the hospital proposing algorithm
For e.g., to compute a stable matching with the hospitals proposing (assuming inside the build directory):
$ ./graphmatching -B -s -i ../tests/hrlq_m6.txt -o ../tests/hrlq_m6_stable.txt