Dockerfile for the Open Modelica Compiler
Building this docker file creates an image that builds the Open Modelica compiler from source. The OMCompiler is included as a submodule.
After cloning, cd into the repository and
git submodule update --init --recursive
to load the compiler source.
Next, build the image
docker build --tag=myTag .
The dockerfile creates/downloads an ubuntu18.04 base image, installs build tools and the OMCompiler's dependencies, configures the project, and makes it. This will take perhaps 30min and will through up a variety of warnings and some minor errors. If successful it will create an executable at /omcompiler/build/bin/omc
You can enter the image via
docker run -it --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE myTag
with the SYS_PTRACE option adding the ability to use gdb.