NOTE This library is deprecated, you should be using mauth-client-python. It will be archived
Flask-MAuth is a authentication library for Python server applications receiving MAuth signed requests.
It is a partial Python port of the code in the mauth-client-ruby repository.
It uses the upstream requests-mauth client library. We need to decide whether to move the code into the local repository.
An important component is that the Authenticator needs its own set of credentials, as it needs access to the MAuth Server to authenticate requests.
You will need to raise a ticket to register a public key and get an APP_UUID for the environment of your application. Note that the MAUTH_BASE_URL will probably include the environment, e.g.
Install using pip::
$ pip install flask-mauth
Or directly from GitHub::
$ pip install git+
This will also install the dependencies
To use Flask-MAuth you will need to create an application instance and supply the required configuration options::
from flask import Flask
from flask_mauth import MAuthAuthenticator
app = Flask("Some Sample App")
app.config['MAUTH_APP_UUID'] = '671785CD-15CE-458A-9779-8132C8F60F04' # This will be the APP UUID for your application
app.config['MAUTH_KEY_DATA'] = key_text # This will be the content of the Private Key
app.config['MAUTH_BASE_URL'] = "" # The MAuth Server Base URL
app.config['MAUTH_VERSION'] = "v2" # This defaults to v2 and can be left out
app.config['MAUTH_MODE'] = "local" # This should be either 'local' or 'remote'
mauth = MAuthAuthenticator()
To specify routes that need to be authenticated use the requires_authentication
from flask_mauth import MAuthAuthenticator, requires_authentication
@app.route("/some/private/route", methods=["GET"])
def private_route():
return 'Wibble'
@app.route("/app_status", methods=["GET"])
def app_status():
return 'OK'
We recommend the use of virtualenv
or pyenv
for development.
We use tox and pyenv to run the tests::
$ brew install pyenv pyenv-virtualenv # Follow the instructions to configure the enviroment
$ pip install tox tox-pyenv
$ pyenv local 2.7.13 3.5.2 3.6.0 # take the most recent versions for these
$ tox
Tox will output the status of the tests, as well as coverage data.