The btsync module allows you to easily manage BitTorrent Sync instances with Puppet.
If you don't already have a btsync package repository, you can include btsync::repo class, that will configure yeasoft repository for Debian and Ubuntu:
include btsync::repo
Just include the btsync
include btsync
Declare an instance:
btsync::instance { 'user':
storage_path => '/home/user/.sync',
webui => {
listen => '',
login => 'admin',
password => 'password',
You can also do it in one step:
class { 'btsync':
instances => {
user => {
storage_path => '/home/user/.sync',
webui => {
listen => '',
login => 'admin',
password => 'password',
You can also store you configuration in hiera:
storage_path: /home/user/.sync
login: admin
password: password
And simply include the btsync
class if you have puppet 3+:
include btsync
You can also declare a shared folder:
btsync::shared_folder { 'MY_SECRET_1':
instance => 'user',
dir => '/home/user/bittorrent/sync_test',
Or in in one step:
class { 'btsync':
instances => {
user => {
storage_path => '/home/user/.sync',
webui => {
listen => '',
login => 'admin',
password => 'password',
shared_folders => {
'MY_SECRET_1' => {
dir => '/home/user/bittorrent/sync_test',
And of course in hiera:
storage_path: /home/user/.sync
login: admin
password: password
dir: /home/user/bittorrent/sync_test
A Btsync::Known_host resource is automatically exported for the given secret key, and every Btsync::Known_host resources matching the given secret key are automatically realized.
You can also declare explicitely a known host resource for a given secret key:
btsync::known_host { '':
secret => 'MY_SECRET_1',
instance => 'btsync',
Or in one step:
class { 'btsync':
instances => {
user => {
storage_path => '/home/user/.sync',
webui => {
listen => '',
login => 'admin',
password => 'password',
shared_folders => {
'MY_SECRET_1' => {
dir => '/home/user/bittorrent/sync_test',
known_hosts => [''],
Or with hiera:
storage_path: /home/user/.sync
login: admin
password: password
dir: /home/user/bittorrent/sync_test
known_hosts: ['']
The define also supports composite namevars in order to easily specify the entry you want to manage. The format for composite namevars is:
<secret> on <host>
btsync::known_host { 'my known host':
secret => 'MY_SECRET_1',
host => '',
equals to
btsync::known_host { 'MY_SECRET_1 on': }
or with an array:
btsync::known_host { prefix([''], 'MY_SECRET_1 on '): }
This example configures an instance like the sample configuration of BitTorrent Sync 1.1.48:
device_name: My Sync Device
listening_port: 0
storage_path: /home/user/.sync
check_for_updates: true
use_upnp: true
download_limit: 0
upload_limit: 0
login: admin
password: password
dir: /home/user/bittorrent/sync_test
use_relay_server: true
use_tracker: true
use_dht: true
search_lan: true
use_sync_trash: true
known_hosts: ['']
###Class: btsync This class is used to install btsync.
The version of BitTorrent Sync to install/manage.
Should the service be enabled during boot time?
Should the service be started by Puppet
Hash of instances to run
###Class: btsync::config Configure btsync. You should not declare this class explicitely, it should be done by btsync class.
###Class: btsync::install Install btsync. You should not declare this class explicitely, it should be done by btsync class.
###Class: btsync::repo Configure yeasoft repository for Debian or Ubuntu.
###Class: btsync::service Manage btsync service. You should not declare this class explicitely, it should be done by btsync class.
###Resource: btsync::instance This resource is used to declare a btsync instance to run.
A uid for supplying the user under which the btsync daemon should run. Defaults to resource name.
A gid for supplying the group under which the btsync daemon should run. If omitted the daemon will run under the primary group of the user.
The umask for the btsync damon. If omitted the default umask is used.
Override default configuration file. Defaults to /etc/btsync/$name.conf
Public name of the device. Defaults to $name.
Port the daemon listen to. Defaults to 0 (random port).
storage_path dir contains auxiliary app files if no storage_path field: .sync dir created in the directory where binary is located.
Override location of pid file.
Whether or not check for updates. Defaults to false
Whether or not use UPnP for port mapping. Defaults to true
Download limit in kB/s. 0
means no limit. Defaults to 0
Upload limit in kB/s. 0
means no limit. Defauls to 0
Hash containing web user interface configuration.
Address and port to listen to.
Web ui login.
Web ui password.
Web ui API Key (Beta)
Hash containing shared folders resources.
Sets priority for the file operations on disc. If set to false
, Sync will perform read and write file operations with the highest speed and priority which can result in degradation of performance for othe applications.
Sets a time interval in seconds for rescanning sync folders.
This serves as an additional measure for detecting changes in file system.
If set to true
, will use encryption in the local network.
If set to true
, Sync will use TCP instead of UDP in local network.
Note: disabling encryption and using TCP in LAN can increase speed ofsync on low-end devices due to lower use of CPU.
Determines a size difference in MB between versions of one file for patching. When it is reached or exceeded, the file will be updated by downloading missing chunks of information (patches). Updates for a file with a smaller size difference will be downloaded as separate files.
Determines maximum file size in MB for creating file versions. When this size is exceeded, versions will not be created to save space on disk.
Applies speed limits to the peers in local network. By default the limits are not applied in LAN.
Amount of real memory that will be used for cached send operations. This value can be set in the range from 1 to 100 MB.
Amount of real memory that will be used for cached receive operations. This value can be set in the range from 1 to 100 MB.
Shows maximum allowed time in seconds difference between devices. If the difference exceeds this limit, the devices will not be synced as it may result in incorrect tracing of file changes.
Sets the number of days after reaching which files will be automatically deleted from the .SyncArchive folder.
###Resource: btsync::shared_folder This resource is used to declare a btsync shared folder for an instance.
Name of the instance sharing this folder.
Directory to share.
Shared secret. Defaults to resource name.
Whether or not use relay server when direct connection fails. Defaults to true
Can be enabled to facilitate communication between peers.
Whether or not save all the files deleted on other clients to the hidden '.SyncArchive' within your destination folder. The files deleted on your computer are moved to system Trash (depending on OS preferences).
An array containing the ip:port or host:port of known clients. So if one of your devices has a static and accessible IP, peers can connect to it directly.
###Resource: btsync::known_host Add a known host to the list of known hosts of a shared folder.
The secret of the shared folder.
The instance to use. Defaults to the instance of the shared folder of the secret passed as parameter.
The host to add. Defaults to namevar.
- Finish unit tests