Make a website with the contents of a facebook page. Made using angularJS. We use angular-facebook to use the facebook api and fetch data from facebook. I use a page factory to create a single page object containing all the functions and data that a page may contain.
The general layout has some of the following sections: -Home -> either a brief about page with links to other sections, or the feed. -About -Feed -Events -Gallery
This factory returns a page object that is used throughout the app. It serves as the model. Attributes: -pageId -facebookReady: boolean to check if the facebook api is initialized -tabs: which tabs are being used in the general layout ** maybe rename sections -loadMainContent(): calls the facebook api to get the main content. called at the start. Alos calls getProfilePicture, getFeed, setCover. mainContent: -name -profilePicture -coverURL -feed -phone -about -emails -currentLocation -locations -description -companyOverview -hours -priceRange This is taken directly from the facebook page feed. There are different types of posts that can be made to the feed. Some examples are pictures, events, or simple messages.