3ba5845 Fix too few arguments to function safeAnchorId
0afd55c Disable VuePress example build due to VuePress not supporting Vue 3
d2d6faa Switch to vcpkg manifest mode
6fb6db1 Java support
1e5f8f0 Fix pipe in enum member details
b3905a9 Add replaceUnderscoresInAnchors option. Fixes #82
5f82a53 Write a newline to the markdown code if the last list is removed from the array of lists.
5d2c051 Add example that illustrates the problem.
6f8128d Remove Utils::extractQualifiedNameFromFunctionDefinition
and the associated Inja callback. It doesn't work properly for members of class templates due to spaces, and it's no longer needed now that we have the qualifiedname
3bb4cdf Parse Doxygen's <qualifiedname>
XML tag and add qualifiedname
to Doxybook's JSON output. This gives us a way to get the correct qualified name of any entity without any extra hassle.
e05c642 Expose Utils::safeAnchorId
as an Inja callback.
cd3dc9c update README to match what is run in CI
7964361 Fix examples of using --config-data
in README.md.
7312a77 Append argsString to function pointer variables.