Matlab scripts for reading and plotting AMISR data
1 - amisr The master code, calls and runs all following codes sequentially and creates main outputs. User must specify the file name, denoted "filelab", which will populate through the remainder of the code accordingly. The start and stop time steps ("itstart" and "itfin") can be used for unique time window specifications.
2 - hdf5_extract This function takes in PFISR HDF5 files, as found on, and outputs the data in matlab-friendly form (_rawdata.mat).
3 - plot_grid Using the data loaded from amisr, plots a series of PNG images that display multiple dotted blue lines (each indicating a radar beam), black lines (indicating the magnetic field at the location of PFISR), and the source of the radar as a blue circle at the bottom of the plot. Rocket trajectories can be added to this plot using the trajectory flag and the resulting image is saved.
4 - grid_ISR Converts the radar beam location from az and el coordinates to 3D cartesian wrt PFISR at the origin. Creates magnetic field lines too, spawning from ~150 km on each radar beam and is roated to the appropriate magnetic field line orientation. This grid information is saved (_fieldgrid.mat).
5 - makemovie_AMISR_vlos
Using data from plot_grid and grid_ISR, creates plots of the usual plasma parameters in a configuration of 3-D slices, which are then used to create a movie of all individual images. The method used to make the movie depends on the operating system running matlab, a flag needs to be set.
6 - estimate_flowfield Calculates the flow fields using the Butler 2010 method and saves the processed data (_vvelscans.mat). Creates a keogram of eastward and northward drift velocities, expressed as "distance north" from PFISR in km, against a horizontal axis of UT.
7 - plot_ISRflows Creates individual subplots of isti, isne, and fitted velocity magnitude at a specific altitude currently set to 300km, as well as the flow fields plotted using arrows in the left panel.
1 - ButlerFits Loads "_vvelscans.mat" and "_fieldgrid.mat" data, creates a keogram of eastward and northward drift velocities, expressed as "distance north" from PFISR in km, against a horizontal axis of UT. Utilizes Butler 2010 method.
2 - VvelFits Loads vvel dataset from PFISR, creates a keogram of eastward and northward drift velocities, expressed as magnetic latitude "mlat." from PFISR, against a horizontal axis of UT. Utilizes standard PFISR method.
3 - plot_OneParamAllBeams Intakes "_rawdata.mat, _fieldgrid.mat, _vvelscans.mat" and creates figure displaying all beams, isolating one parameter to observe. Parameters include "isne, isp, iste, isti, isvi". Uses AlphaData to make any extreme errors transparent in the final figure.
4 - plot_AllParamsOneBeam Intakes "_rawdata.mat", creates two figures, one to display the parameters of "isne, isti, iste, isvi", and a second to display the corresponding errors of each parameter. Uses AlphaData to make any extreme errors transparent in the final figure.