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PMD onboarding workshop: pyiron workflows

The repository of the PMD onboarding workshop. The repository includes the pyiron workflow notebooks presented in the afternoon session.

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notebooks Description path
0_opening_notebook.ipynb introduction to jupyterlab environement .
1_1_intro.ipynb introduction to pyiron workflows via lammps simulation 1_1_intro_pyiron_building_blocks
1_2_import_project.ipynb imports an exported project 1_2_import_proj/
2_0_custom_python_job.ipynb Defining custom classes for python jobs 2_customized_job/
2_1_custom_bash_job.ipynb Defining custom classes for non-python jobs 2_customized_job/
3_lammps-damask-workflow.ipynb lammps-damask workflow to obtain macroscopic response based on atomistic properties 3_lammps_damask_workflow/
4_data_mining.ipynb introduction to data mining capabilities in pyiron 4_data_mining/

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