Weblink Console and printer "application" demo tool. "application" here has a very specific meaning:
- a set of SGD configuration commands that redirect to cloud a specific input channel (USB, BT, SERIAL) - technically a list of JSON-SGD commands (typically a capture channel to variable and SGD-variable-change-alert setup)
- some logic in the server that processes the alert and does something with it - technically an async computation expression that takes a string to a new string
The 4 "applications" built into the server stem from 4 real-life use-cases where printer-redirected data is augmented / formatted appropriately before printing
- printing price labels (repricing) using ZQ label printer with Wifi and BT + CS4070 BT scanner
- convertion of a legacy label received via USB into a new label preserving variable data
- self-service label printing in parcel shops for return of goods purchased online
- convertion of SVG label (dpi independent) into ZPL (TO BE IMPLEMENTED)
See "Guide to Applications Demonstration" tab in https://weblink.mastracu.it/console.html
- One wss / sse / https server written in F#/Suave
- One HTML5 SPA to monitor websocket channels and send commands onto the printer channels (HTML / JAVASCRIPT)
Deployed to AWS EC2 - Docker running on a Linux AMI instance- . Amazon ALB terminates the HTTPS channel.
Requires git
and .NETcore v5
git clone https://github.com/mastracu/weblinkendpoint.git
dotnet restore
dotnet build
- Weblink endpoint configuration guide http://techdocs.zebra.com/link-os/2-14/webservices/content/Weblink%20WebSocket%20Endpoint%20Configuration.pdf
- "Using Weblink" section in "ZPL Reference guide“ https://www.zebra.com/content/dam/zebra/manuals/printers/common/programming/zpl-zbi2-pm-en.pdf
- Devtalk Webinar on F#/Suave https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANLkHOxSjL8
0.2 Jun 2019
mastracu && ndz