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KsDumper 11 v1.3.4

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@mastercodeon314 mastercodeon314 released this 22 Feb 06:37
· 7 commits to master since this release

Whats new v1.3.4

  • Added new feature Anti Anti Debugging Tools Detection
    Randomized MainWindow Title, most Control Titles, and the exe file name during runtime.
    The process name is reverted to KsDumper11.exe upon program closing.
    Enable Anti Anti Debugging Tools Detection check box setting added
    This feature was added in hopes to make KsDumper 11 more stealthy when trying to dump programs that have more rudimentary Anti Debugging techniques implemented.
  • Lots of source code cleanup
  • Fixed Easter Egg window that would not close upon clicking of the close button
  • Changed all labels in every form to be manually drawn to get around label text being changed when Anti Anti Debugging Tools Detection feature is enabled
  • Migrated from Application Settings to custom Settings.json for saving and loading of settings.