Tor zur Ostsee (Gate to Baltic Sea) is a joint project of ITM and TraDaV which is realized in the context of Lübeck's election to the German City of Science 2012.
We created a small web application which displays the current status and position of ships around Lübeck.
It relies on AIS data which is provided by the company Vesseltracker.
Screenshot of the application:
Our web application is strongly inspired by which is a project aiming to provide a world wide live ship map based on AIS data.
Due to the contract with our provider of AIS data we may not publicise the actual data. A complete installation of the system will be shown in Lübeck in 2012.
We aim to also include free AIS data sources in the application. Stay tuned ;-)
In this project the following libraries are used:
The ship icons are taken from the mapicons collection (some where modified/created by us)
The Google Maps custom markers have been created with Google Map Custom Marker Maker