These are the R Markdown source files for the instructions for all CDS 101 homework assignments.
The following software and R packages are required if you want to render the R Markdown documents as a GitHub-flavored Markdown file.
R (>=3.5)
RStudio (>=1.1.463), preview release recommended
(Windows) Rtools: match the Rtools version to the R version and perform a full install
(Mac) Xcode Command Line Tools: needed for compiling source code in certain R packages
# To install Xcode Command Line Tools, open up a terminal window and run the following xcode-select --install
(Optional) git: needed to clone the repository as a new project in RStudio
fs (>= 1.2.6)
infer (>= 0.4.0)
tidyverse (>= 1.2.1)
See Install for an easy way to install the above R packages.
Obtain a copy of this repo either by cloning it as a new RStudio project or by downloading the zip archive.
Activate the project by clicking the file homework-instructions.Rproj
in the RStudio file browser.
Then, in an R console, type the following to install the necessary R packages:
install.packages("remotes", repos = "")
The provided Makefile can be run within RStudio and contains rules for automatically knitting the homework instructions into PDF and GitHub-compatible markdown files.
To run the Makefile, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+B or click the Build tab in the upper-right window and then click the Build All button.
The knitted instructions will be saved in a folder called build/
, and the GitHub-compatible markdown files can be used as the
file in the starter-file repositories you distribute to students.
Unless otherwise noted, these materials are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.