This Streamlit project focuses on presenting and analyzing a dataset derived from SPbLitGuide, a newsletter known for its coverage of literary events in St. Petersburg. The project uses Streamlit for web app creation, enabling interactive data exploration and visualization.
- The main script that initializes the Streamlit app. It sets up the page title and includes the primary functions for displaying different pages.
- pages/: A directory containing individual Streamlit pages. Each page likely represents a specific aspect or analysis of the dataset.
- SPbLitGuide_DataProcessing.ipynb: A Jupyter Notebook for data processing and preliminary analysis.
- requirements.txt: Lists all Python dependencies required for this project.
- .streamlit/: Configuration settings for the Streamlit app.
You can access the SPbLitGuide app deployed in the cloud here.
To set up the project, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository.
- Install the required packages using:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the Streamlit app:
streamlit run
The app provides interactive tools to explore the SPbLitGuide dataset. Navigate through different pages to view various analyses and visualizations.
Contributions to enhance the functionality or analysis are welcome. Please follow standard procedures for pull requests and coding standards.