This project shows how to configure CICD
of a strapi
project, these configurations ensure updates from time to time in order to guarantee that the cms
data generated is up to date with the repository and enable developers to interact with the application installed on a remote server through changes in the repository.
- Docker
- Ansible (optional, only if you want to automate this tasks)
The full compose file:
version: '3.7'
image: node:18.15.0
- 1337:1337
- ./:/app
working_dir: /app
command: /bin/bash -c "yarn && yarn develop"
- NODE_ENV=development
restart: unless-stopped
Copy the compose file to the root of your strapi app
Change the host port configuration if necessary:
- <HOST_PORT>:1337
Change the package manager do you prefer:
# yarn
command: /bin/bash -c "yarn && yarn develop"
command: /bin/bash -c "npm install && npm run develop"
Running the compose file:
docker-compose -f up -d
The strapi will be available on the port especified, by default on 1337
This script is responsible for synchronizing the repository and the strapi app:
BRANCH="main" #change this if necessary
git checkout $BRANCH
git add .
DATE=$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
git commit -m "Updates at $DATE"
git pull origin $BRANCH
git push origin $BRANCH
Copy the script file to strapi folder and make it executable:
chmod +x
Open crontab config file using the following command:
crontab -e
Append this line to the file:
*/5 * * * * /fullpath/to/
Remember to replace the path to the
This cron will check for update at every 5th minute.
If the server don't already have one, generate the keypair:
Copy the public key generated to your user access ssh-keys on your Git repository management platform, to access the repository without password:
cat ~/.ssh/
git remote -v
If the url is not ssh type, go to the repository and copy the ssh url and configure it as bellow:
git remote set-url origin <SSH_URL>
If you want to automate some of this tasks with Ansible follow this steps:
Ensure to configure the docker-compose and the file provided on the manual configuration
Configure the ansible hosts file here:
myserver ansible_host=<server_ip> ansible_user=myuser ansible_ssh_port=22
Change the following script to your environment here:
STRAPI_PATH="/home/admin/strapiapp/" # change me (ensure the slash at the end of the path)
REPO_SSH_URL="git@<git_managment>:<repository>.git" # change me
HOST="myserver" # the same on the ansible host file
ansible-playbook playbook.yml -e strapi_path="$STRAPI_PATH" -e repo_ssh_url="$REPO_SSH_URL" -e hosts="$HOST"
# Copy the result to configure on your account access keys
Make the file executable:
sudo chmod +x ./ansible/
Run the playbook:
Is important to run the script inside the ansible directory to detect the ansible.cfg file
cd ansible && ./