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Building Components - Breaking it down

A sandbox project by Mario Hernandez.

This is a sandbox project that show how to break a page down into smaller pieces to effectively build components. Main goal of building components is to reduce code duplication by making components reusable across an entire site.

Building Components

Breaker code

Note: I've suppressed some of the code to make it look cleaner but the overall structure still remains.

<section class="breaker">
  <div class="breaker__hero">
    <img src='../assets/hero.png' alt='Alt text'>

  <div class="breaker__top">
    <p class="eyebrow  breaker__eyebrow">Drupal Development</p>
    <h2 class="breaker__heading">Component main heading here</h2>
    <p class="breaker__intro">Integer posuere erat a ante venenatis dapibus posuere velit aliquet. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum.</p>

  <div class="breaker__cards">
    <article class="card breaker__card breaker__card--first">
      <span class="card__icon"><svg>...</svg></span>
      <h3 class="card__heading">Fully responsive content</h3>
      <p class="card__teaser">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor.</p>

    <article class="card breaker__card breaker__card">
      <span class="card__icon"><svg>...</svg></span>
      <h3 class="card__heading">Fully responsive content</h3>
      <p class="card__teaser">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor.</p>

    <article class="card breaker__card breaker__card--last">
      <span class="card__icon"><svg>...</svg></span>
      <h3 class="card__heading">Fully responsive content</h3>
      <p class="card__teaser">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor.</p>

About the code

You will find all working files within the /src folder. This project was built with Twig, which is a PHP templating system, but it can also be built with plain html, jekyll or handlebars. Reason for using Twig was that this is the platform I use for buiding drupal themes.

All code changes get compiled into /dist by using gulp. See commands below for compiling Sass, JS, Styleguide.


This project uses KSS Node, which facilitates creating a styleguide to catalog your components. To view this project's styleguide go to http://localhost/components/dist/style-guide/. (change localhost to match your local path).

Getting Started

If you haven't yet, install nvm:

Clone or download this project

Run the following commands from project's root directory

Use the right version of node with:

nvm use

This command will look at your .nvmrc file and use the version node.js specified in it. This ensures all developers use the same version of node for consistency.

If that version of node isn't installed, install it with:

nvm install

Install npm dependencies with

npm install

This command looks at package.json and installs all the npm dependencies specified in it. Some of the dependencies include gulp, autoprefixer, gulp-sass and others.

Runs default task

npm run build

This will run whatever the default task is.

Compiles Sass

npm run compile

This will perform a one-time Sass compilation.

Runs the watch command

npm run watch

This is ideal when you are doing a lot of Sass changes and you want to make sure every time a change is saved it automatically gets compiled to CSS

Cleans complied directory

npm run clean

This will perform a one-time deletion of all compiled files within the dist/ directory.


Sandbox project for process of building components.







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