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Scripts for Veritas Netbackup


  • restart Media Manager on all media servers

    nbemmcmd -listhosts | grep media | awk '{print "vmoprcmd -h",$2,"-stopltid && vmoprcmd -h",$2,"-startltid"}' | sh
  • activate/deactivate policy as set in snapshot

    cp -r /usr/openv/netbackup/db/class /usr/openv/netbackup/db/class-snapshot-$(date '+%Y%m%d')
    for FILE in $(find /usr/openv/netbackup/db/class-snapshot-`date '+%Y%m%d'` -maxdepth 2 -type f -name info); do POLICY=`dirname ${FILE}`; echo "bpplinfo ${POLICY##*/} -modify `sed -n '/^ACTIVE/{s/ACTIVE 0/-active/;s/ACTIVE 1/-inactive/;p}' ${FILE}`"; done


  • Match NBDB table name to dat file in NBDB database dump from nbdb_unload command.

    • Unload NBDB contents to working directory.

      /usr/openb/db/bin/nbdb_unload *working_directory*
    • Find NBDB table dat file in working_directory/reload.sql

      • list all tables and dat files

        gawk -f nbdb_unload.gawk reload.sql
      • search for table using regex, i.e. EMM_Media

        gawk -f nbdb_unload.gawk -v table=EMM_Media reload.sql
        gawk -f nbdb_unload.gawk -v table=EMM_Media$ reload.sql
  • Generate shell commands batch

    • Generate batch to add servers

      gawk -f nbdb_unload.gawk -v table=EMM_Machine -v generate=cmd 770.dat
    • Generate batch to add tapes

      gawk -f nbdb_unload.gawk -v table=EMM_MediaPool -v generate=cmd 778.dat
    • Generate batch to add tape pools, use shell to set and use pools environment variable

      • assign pool numbers to pool names, save to shell script

        vmpool -list_all -bx | gawk 'BEGIN{print "unset pools; declare -A pools"} $2~/^[0-9]+$/ {print "pools["$1"]="$2";"}' > /tmp/
      • generate vmadd batch, append to the same shell script

        gawk -f nbdb_unload.gawk -v table=EMM_Media -v generate=cmd 775.dat >> /tmp/
  • Update NBDB directly using prepared SQL file

    • Generate gawk script for selected table (no regex is allowed here) i.e. EMM_Media

      gawk -f nbdb_unload.gawk -v table=EMM_Media -v key=MediaId -v generate=sql reload.sql > EMM_Media.gawk
    • Remove unwanted columns from SET section in generated script. Don't forget to remove coma from last column before WHERE.

    • Create SQL script to update NBDB table, i.e. EMM_Media with dat file found in 1st section

      gawk -f EMM_Media.gawk 775.dat > EMM_Media.sql
    • Stop all netbackup services.

    • Start NBDB service only with nbdbms_start_server.

    • Replace [masterservername] with name of your master server and run dbisqlc to apply updates from [sqlfile].

      LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/openv/db/lib/ /usr/openv/db/bin/dbisqlc -c "CS=utf8;UID=dba;PWD=nbusql;ENG=NB_[masterservername];DBN=NBDB;LINKS=tcpip(IP=;PORT=13785)" [sqlfile]


Generate SLP creation shell commands batch from nbstl output

awk -f slp-duplicate.awk [nbstl output]


List and compare installed and scanned tape drives. Useful to configure tape drives on new media server with cuurent configuration output from already configured media server.

  • list already configured drives details, run this on already configured media server and copy ouput to the new one

  • combine already configured drives list with the ones scanned and format output as tpconfig commands list

    ./ -c -i <output from configured media server>
  • list drives scanned but not configured

    ./ -m


Print batch set of tpconfig commands to configure tape drives

  • with pipe output of /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/scan command i.e.

    /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/scan | awk -f configDrives.awk robnum=1 robpath=/dev/sg21 drindex=10 name="LTO drive "


Change storage unit STU for selected backup policy

bpplist | awk -f policy-update.awk -v oldstu=[oldstu] -v newstu=[newstu]


Veritas NetBackup scripts and tools






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