This is a Webpack plugin for generating critical css using penthouse. It
creates a new file in the chunk with suffix .critical
before file extension.
Your output: styles.css
New output: styles.critical.css
yarn add --dev webpack-critical-css-plugin
In your webpack.config.js:
const CriticalCssPlugin = require("webpack-critical-css-plugin");
const criticalHTML = {
yourChunk: "file:///" + path.join(__dirname, ""), // local html file
anotherChunk: "" // live url
entry: {
yourChunk: path.join(__dirname, "yourChunk"),
anotherChunk: path.join(__dirname, "anotherChunk"),
yetAnotherChunk: path.join(__dirname, "yetAnotherChunkChunk"),
plugins: [
new CriticalCssPlugin({
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