- Behavioral Cloning
- TLDR; Watch the Video - Gone in 60 Seconds!
- Goal
- Files
- Code Quality
- Model Architecture & Preprocessing
- Training Strategy
- Acknowledgements & References
Using Keras to train a deep neural network for predicting steering angles based on camera input. Trained on a Unity3D simulator.
This video contains subtitles mentioning salient points and challenges encountered during the project. Overcoming these is no laughing matter! 😉
The goals of this project are the following:
- Use the simulator to collect data of good driving behavior
- Build, a convolution neural network in Keras that predicts steering angles from images
- Train and validate the model with a training and validation set
- Test that the model successfully drives around track one without leaving the road
My project includes the following files:
- the script to create and train the modeldrive.py
- for driving the car in autonomous modemodel.h5
- a trained convolution neural network with weights. Downloadutils.py
- shared utils across modulesettings.py
- settings shared across moduleplotter.py
- to plot histograms, predictions, loss function, etcrun.sh
- cleanup, train, validate, plot/visualizeinstall.sh
- install dependenciesREADME.md
- description of the development process (this file)- Udacity Dataset - Track1 Dataset Used for Training. Download here
- Unity3D Simulator - Github Repo. Download MacOS
Repository includes all required files and can be used to run the simulator in autonomous mode.
Using the Udacity provided simulator and my drive.py
file, the car can be driven autonomously around the track by executing
$ python drive.py model.h5
The model.py
file contains the code for training and saving the convolution neural network. The file shows the pipeline I used for training and validating the model. It contains detailed comments to explain how the code works.
My model consists of a convolution neural network with 3x3 filter sizes and depths between 32 and 128 model.py
The model includes ReLU
layers to introduce nonlinearity.
I used Mean Squared Error
as a loss metric. It seems reasonably appropriate to train the model to follow the training steering angles to some close enough extent. It was important to not let the loss function go very close to zero. A very low loss indicates memorization and thus overfitting.
The optimization space was non-linear. Hence there were instances where the model training would not converge. Retraining reinitializes the weights randomly and provides another shot at convergence. The model used an Adam
optimizer; the learning rate was not tuned manually. I did use Stochastic Gradient Descent initially but Adam is proven to be a better choice for most cases.
The model contains Dropout
layers in order to reduce overfitting. The Dropout was set to 10%
The loss function and predictions were carefully monitored to ensure the loss doesn't go too low and the predictions aren't a perfect match. This ensures the model isn't overfitted. The model was ultimately tested by running it through the simulator and ensuring that the vehicle could stay on the track.
The Image data is preprocessed in the model using the following techniques:
- RGB to Grayscale
- Crop to ROI Quadilateral
- Resize to a smaller
WIDTH = 200
,HEIGHT = 66
- Dynamic Range Adjustment
The steering angles were scaled up to STEERING_MULTIPLIER = 100
The overall strategy for deriving a model architecture was to initially overfit the model on three critical images before building a regularized model for the entire track. This saves time and validates the approach. I look at this as a lean design approach or a MVP approach.
I used the following three images, twice for each training (3x2 = 6 per set) and validation set (50% validation split). Thus making a total of 12 images in the initial dataset.
Recovery: Extreme Left of Lane
Drive Straight: Center of Lane
Recovery: Extreme Right of Lane
I ran this for 30 epochs to achieve satisfactory loss convergence.
The predictions came out close but not extremely overfitted, which is ideal!
The next step was to run the model on the entire training dataset (full track). The provided Udacity dataset had 8k images. The label distribution was quite Asymmetric and Unbalanced [Histogram: Asymmetric and Unbalanced]. I used Horizontal Flipping to Make this symmetric [Histogram: Symmetric But Unbalanced]. And lastly, Histogram Equalization for achieving balance in the training dataset [Histogram Equalization: Symmetric and Balanced]. I also added a random 10% noise to the steering angles for each image. This helps avoid overfitting as well.
Raw Data Histogram: Asymmetric and Unbalanced
Horizontally Flipped Data Histogram: Symmetric But Unbalanced
Fully Processed with Histogram Equalization: Symmetric and Balanced
Loss Function 5 Epochs
Finally, the balanced dataset was randomly shuffled before being fed into the model.
Once the dataset was balanced, the vehicle is able to drive autonomously around the track without leaving the road.
Predictions for 120 Frames
- Sagar Bhokre - for project skeleton and constant support
- Caleb Kirksey - for his motivating company during the course of this project
- Mohan Karthik - for an informative blogpost motivating dataset balancing
- Paul Hearty - for valuable project tips provided on Udacity forums that saved time
- Andrew Ayers, Ashish Singh and Kalyanramu Vemishetty for the excellent questions and giving me the permission to share them