This is the code for the paper 'Variable Selection with Copula Entropy' published on Chinese Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics. The preprint paper is available at here on ArXiv.
- Ma, Jian. “Variable Selection with Copula Entropy.” Chinese Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics, 2021, 37(4): 405-420. See also arXiv preprint arXiv:1910.12389 (2019).
In the paper, three methods for variable selection are compared on the UCI heart disease data:
- Copula Entropy [1],
- Hilbert-Schimdt Independence Criterion (HSIC) [2,3],
- Distance Correlation [4].
The following additional independence measures are also considered in this version of comparison experiment:
- Heller-Heller-Gorfine Tests of Independence [5],
- Hoeffding's D test [6],
- Bergsma-Dassios T* sign covariance [7],
- Ball correlation [8],
- BET: Binary Expansion Testing [9],
- qad: Quantification of Asymmetric Dependence [10],
- MixedIndTests [11],
- NNS: Nonlinear Nonparametric Statistics [12],
- subcopula based dependence measures [13],
- MDM: Mutual Independence Measure [14].
Copula Entropy does better than all the others measures in terms of predictibility and interpretability.
- Ma, J., & Sun, Z. (2011). Mutual Information Is Copula Entropy. Tsinghua Science & Technology, 16(1), 51–54. See also arXiv preprint arXiv:0808.0845 (2008).
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- Arturo Erdely. A subcopula based dependence measure. Kybernetika, 53(2), 231-243, 2017.
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