This repository contains the source code of three applications:
- DeviceSimulator
- LoggerService
- ApiGateway
- LoggerService
- ApiGateway
- DeviceSimulator
The system has been build to run a single system because all communication goes to localhost.
The following software has to be install to build and run all applications:
- Java 1.8
- Maven 3.6.1
- node.js v12.1.0 including npm
- protoc 3.7.1
The mentioned versions are those used during development.
The following table lists the technologies and frameworks used to develop the applications
Application | Language | Framework | Dependencies | Remarks |
DeviceSimulator | Java | org.json | pure Java | |
ApiGateway | Java | Spring Boot | spring-boot-starter-webflux | |
spring-boot-starter-test | ||||
reactor-test | ||||
protobuf-java | ||||
protobuf-maven-plugi | ||||
spring-boot-maven-plugin | ||||
build-helper-maven-plugin | ||||
LoggerService | JavaScript | node.js | google-protobuf | |
dgram | ||||
winston |
The application LoggerService is a node.js application. Its use case is to receive binary Google Protocol Buffer messages sent over the UDP protocol, deserialize these received messages and log them into a log file located in the folder path/to/LoggerService/logs.
Install Packages & Run
To install necessary npm package and start the application open a terminal and execute the following commands inside the folder path/to/LoggerService:
npm install
node server.js
The ApiGateway is an application acting as a gateway receiving requestand to to pass them on to the LoggerService. Its main use case in addition to pass all incoming requests on to the LoggerService is to translate/convert received JSON payload to Google Protocol Buffer format. The communication protocol also changes from HTTP to UDP.
The project ApiGateway is a Maven project. To build the project open a terminal and execute the following command inside the folder path/to/ApiGateway:
mvn clean install
The application can then be started by executing the following command inside the folder path/to/ApiGateway:
java -jar target/ApiGateway-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
The DeviceSimulator is an application for testing the ApiGateway and the LoggerService. It simulates 20 devices each sending HTTP POST request with a JSON payload to the ApiGateway.
The project DeviceSimulator is a Maven project. To build the project open a terminal and execute the following command inside the folder path/to/DeviceSimulator:
mvn clean install
The application can then be started by executing the following command inside the folder path/to/DeviceSimulator:
java -jar target/DeviceSimulator-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar