Data Structures and Algorithms
Team 8 - teamds08
Week 1: Team Introduction and communication
Week 2: Introduction of Data Structure and Algorithm, Pointers/Objects (for beginners),Arrays, Strings, Analysis of time and Space complexity, Git and Github(for beginners)
Week 3: Classes,Linked Lists - Singly, Doubly, Circular, Stacks, Queues
Week 4: Sorting, Searching algorithms along with their use case and time complexity
Week 1: Maps (Dictionaries/Hash Maps), Trees, BST, Tree Traversal Techniques
Week 2: Hash table, Graphs
Week 3: Recursion and backtracking along with standard problems - Divide and Conquer
Week 4: Greedy method (Knapsack, Prim’s algorithm, Kruskal’s algorithm, Dijkstra, Bellmanford)
Week1: Dynamic programming (0/1 Knapsack, Travelling Salesman Problem, Coin change) Standard Problems to be discussed, Timed contest of data structures and algorithms done till now (mixed question of advanced and beginner)
Week 2: STL, Any topic which needs to be practiced more, Start working on the project
Week 3 & Week 4: Working on the project of menu driven game
Questions shared will be of varied difficulty and will be discussed on a weekly basis with deadlines announced for submitting solutions.