The advanced screen reader allows the user to take a general screenshot of the main screen and locate small or large image snippets using AI for reading. Available for Linux and Windows.
- ScreenSize Stores the width and height of the screen.
- PointIntoScreen Stores X and Y coordinates of the screen.
- BoxOfScreen Represents the junction of the items "ScreenSize" and "PointIntoScreen"
- Filled Returns the validation of the box to know if it is filled or not filled.
- PixelColor Represents the color of a screen pixel or an image.
- imagePath Represents the path to an image
- confidence How confident the script should be to signal that the image found is equal to the image provided in the path.
this method allows the user to identify the size of the current screen, that is, point X and point Y at their maximum, which we translate to W (Width) and H (Height) respectively.
using PublicUtility.ScreenReader;
using PublicUtility.Nms.Structs;
// Simplified with "var"
var size1 = ScreenManager.GetScreenSize(); // returns a ScreenSize struct
// Complete version
ScreenSize size2 = ScreenManager.GetScreenSize(); // returns a ScreenSize struct
printscreen is a simple command capable of capturing the current screen in use. Its return is an Image of type "SixLabors.ImageSharp.Image" and can be converted to different types according to the user's preference. Example
using PublicUtility.ScreenReader;
using PublicUtility.Nms.Structs;
using SixLabors.ImageSharp;
// Example 1
var screenshotFull = ScreenManager.PrintScreen(); // get a printscreen in fullsize
// Example 2
var initBox = new PointIntoScreen(X: 50, Y: 50); // x and y coordinates
var boxSize = new ScreenSize(Width: 200, Height: 200); // a box of 200 pixels X 200 pixels is formed
var box = new BoxOfScreen(boxSize, initBox);
var screenshotBox = ScreenManager.PrintScreen(box); // takes a screenshot starting from point X = 50 and point Y = 50 with a height of 200 pixels and a width of 200 pixels.
// Example 3 - Simplified
var screenshotBox2 = ScreenManager.PrintScreen(new(new(400, 400), new(100, 100))); // takes a screenshot starting from point X = 100 and point Y = 100 with a height of 400 pixels and a width of 400 pixels.
this method is used to locate parts of images or colors on the user's main screen and has some ways to use it, see below.
It will search the screen until it finds a pixel that contains the desired color, if not, its return will be an empty coordinate point that indicates the non-location of the color on the screen
Example for Windows only
using PublicUtility.ScreenReader;
using PublicUtility.Nms.Structs;
var color = new PixelColor(Alpha: 0, Red: 255, Green: 0, Blue: 0);
var loc = ScreenManager.LocateOnScreen(color);
In this case, a search will be performed using an image fragment as a reference. If this image fragment used as a reference is on the screen, the function's return will be a Filled box that can be checked through the "Filled" read-only attribute that returns boolean for filled or not filled.
using PublicUtility.ScreenReader;
const string pathWindowsIco = @"C:\Temp\winIco.png";
var box = ScreenManager.LocateOnScreen(pathWindowsIco);
Console.WriteLine($"NOT FILLED!");
unlike LocateOnScreen, LocateAll returns all items located on the screen that have a shape within the standards and that are the same or similar to the image fragment provided in the search parameter.
using PublicUtility.ScreenReader;
const string pathWindowsIco = @"C:\Temp\winIco.png";
var listBox = ScreenManager.LocateAllOnScreen(pathWindowsIco);
foreach(var box in listBox)
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Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.