An admin dashboard project for managing sales, tracking orders, updating statuses, and controlling sales with charts for a pizzeria. The focus of its creation is to apply concepts of API communication via HTTP requests, front-end application testing (E2E tests, unit tests, and mocks), and the use of Shadcn/ui components.
- ReactJS
- TypeScript
- React Router DOM
- TailwindCSS
- Shadcn/ui
- TanStack Query
- React Hook Form
- Zod
- Recharts
- Axios
- date-fns
- React Helmet
- Sonner
- Skeleton
- Vitest
- Playwright
- Happy DOM
- Mocking Service Worker
1. Clone this repository to your machine
$ git clone
2. Install dependencies
$ npm i
3. Run the project with the command:
$ npm run dev
4. To use the project's API, clone the repository below.
$ git clone
5. Change line 58 in the file "src/db/seed.ts" to your email.
6. Install Bun.
6. After cloning the API repository and installing Bun, download and install Docker.
7. After installing and running Docker, execute the following commands:
$ docker compose up -d (runs the Docker image on the machine)
$ bun i (install dependencies)
$ bun migrate (generate database migrations)
$ bun seed (populate the database with some information)
$ bun dev (run the application)
- The application will be available at `http://localhost:5173`