This repository includes Deadlycat's work on labs in CS:APP3e course (
An easy lab, placed In ./datalab-handout/. Only changed bits.c.
A lab which needs few codes, placed in ./bomb/. Deadlycat's solution is in ans.txt; unfortunately Deadlycat did not write down the solving process.
Another lab which needs few codes, placed in ./target1/. Deadlycat's solutions (input strings) are in str1~5.txt, and those strings were converted by hexademical numbers in hex1~5.txt.
Deadlycat did not work on this lab, because it is not assigned in CS:APP3e course.
A lab with tricky optimization, placed in ./cachelab-handout/. Only changed csim.c and trans.c (also in deadlycat-handin.tar). Deadlycat did not get full score in optimizing. :(
A lab with
^CJob [1] (66895) terminated by signal 2
A lab placed in ./shlab-handout/. Only changed tsh.c. Unfortunately no comments.
Another lab with tricky optimization, placed in ./cachelab-handout/. Only changed mm.c. Deadlycat is busy, so Deadlycat just made some simple optimizations. Deadlycat did not get full score in optimizing. :(
Deadlycat has not finished it yet.