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Important information for administrators
- Migration path: Version 7.0.0 is designed for fresh installations of Artemis or upgrades from version 6.9.6 only, due to significant database migration cleanups.
- Pre-deployment testing: We strongly recommend thoroughly testing this release in a test environment before deployment on production systems, as it includes extensive updates.
Breaking changes
- Discontinued support for Bitbucket, Bamboo, and JIRA: We are moving towards an integrated code lifecycle model. If you are still using these services, please reach out for guidance on transitioning to more robust integrated solutions.
- Artemis now requires Java 21, so make sure that you install it before upgrading to the new version
Release highlights
- Revamped user interface: We're excited to unveil a completely redesigned interface, initially available for students in the exercises and lectures view, with plans to expand to other sections and for instructors soon.
- New online code editor: Enjoy a state-of-the-art coding experience with our new online code editor inspired by Monaco/Visual Studio Code, currently available for students and soon for instructors with additional improvements in the pipeline.
- Integrated code lifecycle: The new LocalVC and LocalCI are now production-ready and scalable. We're committed to further enhancing these features in upcoming releases.
- Upgraded technical infrastructure: Artemis is now powered by Java 21, Spring Boot 3, and Hibernate 6, alongside numerous other dependency upgrades to ensure our platform remains cutting-edge.
- Standardized competency management: We've simplified the process of creating and managing competencies, making it easier than ever to define and relate them within Artemis to facilitate a more extensive use of learning paths.
- Enhanced navigation and validation: Instructors experience improved navigation and validation in the exercise creation and editing process, designed to enhance user efficiency and satisfaction.
Programming exercises
: Add platform independent dejagnu template by @reschandreas in #8029Programming exercises
: Upgrade deprecated PMD rules by @Strohgelaender in #8293Integrated code lifecycle
: Make result processing more robust against invalid static code analysis file formats by @Strohgelaender in #8307Modeling exercises
: Improve synchronization of team-based exercises by @loreanvictor in #8078Modeling exercises
: Improve modeling editor readonly view by @milljoniaer in #8275Adaptive learning
: Improve user interface for competency generation by @rstief in #8285Adaptive learning
: Add standardized competency management by @rstief in #8238Exam mode
: Improve date time picker by @beyzaaltuntas in #8147Iris
: Add disclaimer text by @kaancayli in #8302General
: Unify exercise section separation by @milljoniaer in #8216General
: Replace tab bar with a side navigation bar in the students view by @rabeatwork in #8083General
: Allow admins to import multiple users by @krusche in #8189General
: Add sidebar for exercise and lecture view by @rabeatwork in #8246General
: Add dynamic tab titles by @mallgaier in #8145General
: Adapt exercise footer for small screens and general footer for environments by @rabeatwork in #8359General
: Simplify footer by @krusche in #8378
Programming exercises
: Fix template upgrade for maven exercises by @Strohgelaender in #8241Programming exercises
: Fix overflowing content for exercises with UML diagrams by @rabeatwork in #8350Programming exercises
: Fix locking and error handling of new code editor for students by @pzdr7 in #8365Programming exercises
: Fix result processing for ocaml exercises by @Strohgelaender in #8311Programming exercises
: Remove support for JIRA, Bitbucket and Bamboo by @MaximilianAnzinger in #8201Integrated code lifecycle
: Fix missing build plan configuration when importing programming exercises by @krusche in #8315Modeling exercises
: Fix assessment page title by @loreanvictor in #8357Quiz exercises
: Fix an issue with drag and drop positioning by @matthiaslehnertum in #8265Quiz exercises
: Fix footer in participation view by @milljoniaer in #8335Quiz exercises
: Correct drop location computation by @matthiaslehnertum in #8283Quiz exercises
: Fix an issue in the export by @muradium in #8362Communication
: Fix code of conduct to only appear if it has not been accepted by @rstief in #8339Messages
: Fix creation and display of direct messages by @julian-christl in #8260Exam mode
: Fix sticky navigation bar header by @rabeatwork in #8337Exam mode
: Fix spacing in quiz navigation by @JohannesWt in #8341Exam mode
: Fix missing spacing at the end of exercise in exams by @mateusmm01 in #8345Exam mode
: Fix and issues when printing to PDF by @coolchock in #8364Exam mode
: Round working time when creating or updating exam by @pzdr7 in #8352Exam mode
: Prevent problem statement from closing when viewing changes by @pzdr7 in #8355General
: Fix sticky navigation bar during exercise creation by @milljoniaer in #8316General
: Fix date time picker issues for modeling, text, and file upload exercises by @laurenzfb in #8340General
: Adjust validation bar styles by @milljoniaer in #8347General
: Fix position of category select dropdown by @milljoniaer in #8342General
: Make the global footer shorter by @krusche in #8361General
: Fix programmatic scrolling to the top of the page by @pzdr7 in #8353
- Fix service issue during startup by @laurenzfb in #8231
- Fix client tests by @milljoniaer in #8233
- Fix migration check that caused application to crash on repeated starts by @rstief in #8234
- Change client builder from browser esbuild to application by @pzdr7 in #8204
- Fix client layout for e2e tests by @julian-christl in #8245
- Refactor RepositoryAccessService and plagiarism access check by @mateusmm01 in #8209
- Remove trailing slashes in URLs by @julian-christl in #8242
- Remove redundant database columns from online course configuration by @basak-akan in #8148
- Upgrade to Spring Boot 3, Spring 6, Hibernate 6 by @julian-christl in #7719
- Bump actions/setup-node from 3 to 4 by @dependabot in #8255
- Add config variable for build log path by @laurenzfb in #8259
- Replace ant pattern matching and improve code base by @julian-christl in #8266
- Remove unused repository methods by @julian-christl in #8264
- Fix management dashboard queries for PostgreSQL applications by @julian-christl in #8270
- Fix team students eager loading for several occasions by @julian-christl in #7993
- Remove legacy resource by @krusche in #8274
- Restructure CompetencyIntegrationTest by @MaximilianAnzinger in #8192
- Update server dependencies by @krusche in #8276
- Improve server code by @krusche in #8212
- Prefer non empty json include annotation by @krusche in #8224
- Add domain objects for standardized competencies by @rstief in #8129
- Fix GitLab CI Setup by @bensofficial in #8023
- Add documentation for modeling exercises in Artemis iOS by @AlexanderG2207 in #8149
- Update LTI user documentation by @basak-akan in #8128
- Integrate fast authorization checks into websocket configuration by @MaximilianAnzinger in #8217
- Upgrade to Java 21 by @Strohgelaender in #8277
- Update server dependencies by @krusche in #8320
- Improve Aeolus code quality by @krusche in #8314
- Fix playwright tests failing after introduction of sidebar by @muradium in #8336
- Fix plagiarism update validation by @milljoniaer in #8343
- Fix failing cypress tests that use sidebar by @muradium in #8348
- Enhance architecture tests by @MaximilianAnzinger in #8344
- Remove unused attribute by @Strohgelaender in #8329
- Change the online code editor for students to monaco by @pzdr7 in #8130
- Handle exam users file persistency directly by @julian-christl in #8207
- Ensure all endpoints return response entities by @MaximilianAnzinger in #8358
- Remove remaining mentions of JIRA, Bitbucket and Bamboo in the documentation by @MaximilianAnzinger in #8363
- Extend exam user tests by @julian-christl in #8367
- Update to JPlag 5 by @krusche in #8321
- Improve config by @krusche in #8282
- Cleanup home component after JIRA removal by @krusche in #8346
- Fix the template and solution exercise query cross product by @bassner in #8338
- Remove publish build plan feature by @krusche in #8360
- Fix issues with LTI 1.3 deep linking service for openedX by @basak-akan in #8077
- Remove unused variables, fields, and empty super constructor calls by @MaximilianAnzinger in #8159
- Add consistency tests for notification placeholders by @TimOrtel in #8134
- Update Apollon version to 3.3.10 by @matthiaslehnertum in #8373
- Fix executing server tests with MySQL and Postgres by @Strohgelaender in #8379
- Fix and enable exam assessment complaint tests by @muradium in #8376
- Add exam statistics e2e tests by @muradium in #8369
- Cleanup all migrations by @krusche in #8278
New Contributors
- @rabeatwork made their first contribution in #8083
- @AlexanderG2207 made their first contribution in #8149
- @loreanvictor made their first contribution in #8078
Full Changelog: 6.9.6...7.0.0