Hammer-Scala is a Scala 3 utility library that allows quick and painless data conversion between different product types.
To include Hammer in your project, add the following to your dependencies:
libraryDependencies += "com.melvinlow" %% "hammer" % <version>
Assume you have an Algebraic Data Type (ADT) like this:
case class AccountEntity(id: String, email: String, name: String, secret: String, createdAt: Instant)
val entity = AccountEntity("123", "test@example.com", "nobo", "should-be-hashed", Instant.now)
And you want to convert it to something like this:
case class Account(id: String, name: String, email: String)
With Hammer, you can make this conversion in one function call:
import com.melvinlow.hammer.instances.auto.given
import com.melvinlow.hammer.syntax.all.*
import com.melvinlow.hammer.*
// res0: Account = Account(
// id = "123",
// name = "nobo",
// email = "test@example.com"
// )
In many scenarios, we create case classes that are simpler versions of others. For example, you might have a comprehensive model representation for your database and a leaner version for your API consumers.
Manually constructing these leaner versions can be tedious and error-prone:
case class Octagon(a: Int, b: Int, c: Int, d: Int, e: Int, f: Int, g: Int, h: Int)
case class Hexagon(b: Int, c: Int, d: Int, e: Int, f: Int, g: Int, h: Int)
val octagon = Octagon(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)
// octagon: Octagon = Octagon(
// a = 1,
// b = 2,
// c = 3,
// d = 4,
// e = 5,
// f = 6,
// g = 7,
// h = 8
// )
val hexagon = Hexagon(octagon.b, octagon.c, octagon.d, octagon.e, octagon.f, octagon.g, octagon.h)
// hexagon: Hexagon = Hexagon(b = 2, c = 3, d = 4, e = 5, f = 6, g = 7, h = 8)
Hammer uses generic programming techniques to automate the process:
// res1: Hexagon = Hexagon(b = 2, c = 3, d = 4, e = 5, f = 6, g = 7, h = 8)
It can handle missing and swapped fields:
case class A(x: String, y: String, z: String)
case class B(z: String, x: String)
A("x", "y", "z").hammerTo[B]
// res2: B = B(z = "z", x = "x")
And also nested fields:
case class CompanyEntity(name: String, createdAt: Instant)
case class PersonEntity(name: String, company: CompanyEntity, createdAt: Instant)
case class Company(name: String)
case class Person(name: String, company: Company)
PersonEntity("John", CompanyEntity("Scala", Instant.now), Instant.now)
// res3: Person = Person(name = "John", company = Company(name = "Scala"))
It can also convert types, such as for auto-unboxing wrapper types:
opaque type EmailAddress = String
object EmailAddress {
def apply(email: String) = email
extension (email: EmailAddress) def underlying: String = email
// Define how to hammer an email address to a string
given Hammer[EmailAddress, String] = (e: EmailAddress) => e.underlying
case class Boxed(email: EmailAddress)
case class Unboxed(email: String)
// res4: Unboxed = Unboxed(email = "test@example.com")
Importantly, it will error at compile time if conversion is not possible:
case class Cat(name: String, voice: "Meow")
case class Dog(name: String, voice: "Bark")
Cat("Peanuts", "Meow").hammerTo[Dog]
// error:
// No given instance of type com.melvinlow.hammer.Hammer[("Meow" : String), ("Bark" : String)] was found.
// I found:
// com.melvinlow.hammer.instances.auto.given_Hammer_I_O[("Meow" : String),
// ("Bark" : String)](
// /* missing */summon[deriving.Mirror.ProductOf[("Meow" : String)]], ???)
// But Failed to synthesize an instance of type deriving.Mirror.ProductOf[("Meow" : String)]: class String is not a generic product because it is not a case class.
Simply include the correct imports and call the hammerTo
import com.melvinlow.hammer.instances.auto.given
import com.melvinlow.hammer.syntax.all.*
Hammer includes patching functionality that allows you to override
specific fields. To do this, call the hammerWith
extension method:
case class HumanEntity(name: String, age: Int)
case class Human(name: String, age: Int)
// Override the name field
HumanEntity("Hami", 18).hammerWith[Human](Patch["name"]("Arno"))
// res6: Human = Human(name = "Arno", age = 18)
The same method can also be used to convert a case class to a richer case class by providing the values of the missing fields:
case class Engineer(name: String)
case class EngineerEntity(name: String, createdAt: Instant, updatedAt: Instant)
// res7: EngineerEntity = EngineerEntity(
// name = "Lynn",
// createdAt = 2023-07-31T06:14:57.426081Z,
// updatedAt = 2023-07-31T06:14:57.426083Z
// )
As shown, you are required to provide the desired output type (can be inferred) along with a
variable number of Patch
objects that each contain the field name and value to inject.
The Patch
objects can be specified in any order.
For comparison, these two usages are equivalent:
// res8: Hexagon = Hexagon(b = 2, c = 3, d = 4, e = 5, f = 6, g = 7, h = 8)
// res9: Hexagon = Hexagon(b = 2, c = 3, d = 4, e = 5, f = 6, g = 7, h = 8)
Finally, note that only top level patching is supported--it is not possible to inject a value somewhere deep into a nested case class.
To automatically convert from type I
to O
, provide an instance of Hammer[I, O]
import com.melvinlow.hammer.*
trait Hammer[I, O] {
def hammer(input: I): O
For example, you could automatically lift values to Option
given [I]: Hammer[I, Option[I]] = (i: I) => Some(i)
case class F(x: Int)
case class G(x: Option[Int])
// res11: G = G(x = Some(value = 1))
Underneath the hood, Hammer simply looks for a matching field name
where a Hammer[I, O]
is provided. The default imports include an
identity hammer (i.e., Hammer[I, I]
) so that if two fields
have the same name and type, they are always compatible.