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Basic theme in French for JSON Resume

Basic theme in French for JSON Resume is very ... basic. It can therefore be used both as a theme and boilerplate. The theme covers every single key of the JSON Resume schema.



  1. Make sure you have resume-cli installed

     npm install -g resume-cli
  2. Install the theme

     npm install jsonresume-theme-basic-fr
  3. Serve your resume using the theme Basic

     resume serve -t basic-fr


Using Docker

  1. Download the repository and change the current working directory

     git clone && cd jsonresume-theme-basic-fr
  2. Build the image then build, create and start the container in detached mode (container will run in the background)

     docker compose up --build --detach
  3. Copy and paste your resume.json file in the current working directory

  4. Serve your resume using Basic theme in French

     docker exec jsonresume-theme-basic-fr resume serve -t .

Using your own environment

  1. Make sure you have resume-cli installed

     npm install -g resume-cli
  2. Download the repository and change the current working directory

     git clone && cd jsonresume-theme-basic-fr
  3. Copy and paste your resume.json file in the current working directory

  4. Serve your resume using Basic theme in French

     resume serve -t .