Welcome to my Github profile! My full name is Nguyen Dang Loc, and I'm currently a senior at FPT University HCMC Campus, major in Software Engineering and minor in Artificial Intelligence. I'm living now in Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam.
I realized that I have a strong passionate about data stuff since I was a sophomore, so I decided to improve my knowledge and pursue an attractive position in data science. Since my background is software development, I choose Data Engineering as my first step to get into data world.
🔭 I’m currently working on Data Streaming and Processing with Spark, Kafka and Hadoop
🌱 I’m currently learning Data Science, Deep Learning and Concurrent Programming
🫱🏻🫲🏼 I’m looking for help with Big Data Programming and MLOps
📄 Know about my experiences at my resume
📫 How to reach me lc.nguyendang123@gmail.com
⚡ Fun fact: I'm fascinated by photography, filmmaking, and cooking.
Thanks for watching my profile! Have a nice day!