Adds a grid of constant magnetic latitude and longitude to a cartopy map. This currently only supports Apex coordinates as provided by apexpy.
This package can be installed with pip after cloning.
git clone
cd magcoordmap
pip install .
Note that some dependencies (apexpy and cartopy) are dependent on correct linking with compiled libraries on your system. If installation is proving problematic, try installing these packages independently following their own installation instructions before installing magcoordmap with pip.
To add a magnetic coordinate grid to a cartopy map with the axes ax
, simpily import magcoordmap
and use the maggridlines
import magcoordmap as mcm
By default, this uses Apex coordinates for the present system date at 0 km altitude. If you would like to customize this, initialize your own Apex object and pass it to the function.
import magcoordmap as mcm
from apexpy import Apex
A = Apex(2015)
mcm.maggridlines(ax, apex=A)
The function also has an option to specify the altitude of the magnetic grid with the apex_height
option. Note that all apex latitudes are not defined at all altitudes, and an error will be raised if the plot includes a magnetic field line with an apex lower than the specified height. For global maps, it is recommended to keep this value at 0.
Additional keyword arguments are avaiable that control the characteristics and positioning of gridlines. Because MagGridliner
inherets from cartopy's Gridliner
class, all the parameters from gridlines will also be accepted by the maggridlines function (with the exception of crs
, which is not relevant).
The following produces the figure shown on this page.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as ccrs
import magcoordmap as mcm
# Set up figure
fig = plt.figure()
proj = ccrs.AzimuthalEquidistant(central_longitude=-147, central_latitude=64)
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection=proj)
# Set up cartopy map
gl = ax.gridlines(draw_labels=True, zorder=1)
gl.right_labels = False
gl.top_labels = False
ax.set_extent([-170., -135., 52., 72.], crs=ccrs.PlateCarree())
# Add magnetic field lines
mgl = mcm.maggridlines(ax)
Magcoordmap is released under the BSD 3-clause license. See LICENSE in the root of the repository for full licensing details.
Copyright (c) Leslie Lamarche. All rights reserved.
Parts of the source code are originally from Cartopy, which is also releasedunder the BSD 3-clause license. These parts retain their original copyright.
Copyright (c) Crown and Cartopy contributors. All rights reserved.
This code was developed under the following awards:
- NSF Grant 2027300
- NSF Grant 2329981
- NASA Grant 80NSSC21K0458
- NASA Grant 80NSSC21K1354
- NASA Grant 80NSSC21K1318