C.Kim, -Submitted- [Bayesian Additive Regression Trees in Spatial Data Analysis with Sparse Observations]
C.Kim, X.Lin, K.Nelson, -Submitted- [Measuring Rater Bias in Diagnostic Tests with Ordinal Ratings]
C.Kim, C.Choirat, C.M.Zigler - JRSS-A (2020) - Health Effects of Power Plant Emissions Mediated through Ambient PM2.5
C.Kim - Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation (2019) - Deviance Information Criteria for Mixtures of Distributions
C.Kim, M.J.Daniels, J.W.Hogan, C.Choirat, C.M.Zigler - Annals of Applied Statistics (2019) - Bayesian Methods for Multiple Mediators: Relating Principal and Causal Mediation in the Analysis of Power Plant Emission Controls, awarded the ASA Biometric Section Paper Award (2017), an honorable mention (2nd Place) for the ISBA Mitchell Prize of 2019
C.Kim, C.M.Zigler, M.J.Daniels, J.A.Roy - under revision - Bayesian Longitudinal Causal Inference in the Analysis of the Public Health Impact of Pollutant Emissions
C.Kim, M.J.Daniels, Y.Li, K.Milbury, L.Cohen - Statistics in Medicine (2018) - A Bayesian Semiparametric Latent Variable Approach to Causal Mediation
C.Kim, M.J.Daniels, B.Marcus, J.Roy - Biometrics (2017) - A Framework for Bayesian Nonparametric Inference for Causal effects of Mediation
M.J.Daniels, J.A.Roy, C.Kim, J.W.Hogan, M.G.Perri - Biometrics (2012) - Bayesian Inference for the Causal Effect of Mediation
C.M.Zigler, C.Kim, C.Christine, J.B.Hansen, Y.Wang, G.King, L.Hund, F.Dominici - HEI Report (2016) - Causal Inference Methods for Estimating Long Term Health Effects of Air Quality Regulations
Y.Liu, C.Kim, A.D.Wu, P.Gustafson, E.Kroc, B.D.Zumbo - Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods (2019) - Investigating the Performance of Propensity Score Approaches for Differential Item Functioning Analysis
C.Kim, M.J.Daniels, J.W.Hogan - a draft is available - A Framework for Causal Inference for Multiple Mediators
K.Cummiskey, C.Kim, C.Choirat, L.Henneman, J.Schwartz, C.Zigler - under revision - A Source-Oriented Approach to Coal Power Plant Emissions Health
Y. Liu, A.D. Wu, A.M. Hubley, C. Kim, Y. Chen, A. Beliveau, B.D. Zumbo - under review - [Understanding Item Response Processes of CES-D from a Social-Cognitive Perspective via Bayesian Mixed Effects Models]
Y. Liu, H. Besche, A. Beliveau, X. Zhang, E. Kroc, M. Stefan, J. Gutlerner, C. Kim -under review - [Challenges from Modeling Open Online Assessment Data]
M.Perri et al. - obesity (2013) - Comparative effectiveness of three doses of weight-loss counseling: Two-year findings from the rural LITE trial
Z.Zhang, C.Zheng, C.Kim, S.V.Poucke, S.Lin, P.Lan - Annals of Translational Medicine (2016) - Causal mediation analysis in the context of clinical research
S.Mahalingaiah, K.J.Lane, C.Kim, J.Cheng, J.Hart, Current Epidemiology Reports (2018), Impacts of Air Pollution on Gynecologic Disease: Infertility, Menstrual Irregularity, Uterine Fibroids, and Endometriosis: a Systematic Review and Commentary
M.Nguyen, T.Feeney, C.Kim, F.Drake, S.Mitchell, M.Bednarczyk, S.Sanchez, American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine (2020), [Differential Utilization of Palliative Care Consultation between Medical and Surgical Services]
K.Peer, W.G.Adams, A.Legler, M.Sandel, J.Levy, R.Boynton-Jarrett, C.Kim, J.H.Leibler, M.P.Fabian, -submitted- [Developing and evaluating a pediatric asthma severity computable phenotype derived from electronic health records]