A tool to edit and preview Qt style sheets
- Preview 30+ widgets
- Various states (enabled, disabled etc.)
- Find and Replace tool
- Syntax Highlighting
- Cross platform (Windows, Linux, Mac OS)
- QCalendarWidget
- QCheckBox
- QComboBox
- QCommandLinkButton
- QDateEdit
- QDateTimeEdit
- QDial
- QDoubleSpinBox
- QFrame
- QFontComboBox
- QGroupBox
- QKeySequenceEdit
- QLabel
- QLCDNumber
- QLineEdit
- QListWidget
- QPlainTextEdit
- QProgressBar
- QPushButton
- QRadioButton
- QScrollBar
- QSlider
- QSpinBox
- QTableWidget
- QTabWidget
- QTextBrowser
- QTextEdit
- QTimeEdit
- QToolButton
- QTreeWidget
- QWidget
Style sheet used in the second screenshot: QtDark
- Either open a QSS file to edit and preview or start writing one from scratch in the editor
- To make changes visible either press 'Ctrl + Enter' or click on 'Apply', located in the 'View' section of the menu bar
- PyQt5 - GUI Framework
- Niklas Henning - Github profile
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the license.txt file for details