A nodejs client for the Reef arquitectural pattern
#How to Reef uses Amazon SQS queues, so you need an AWS account and the credentials to use it.
Set up
import { SqsBrokerFacade, ReefClient } from 'reef-client';
import bunyan from 'bunyan';
let log = bunyan.createLogger({
name : 'foo',
level : process.env.LOG_LEVEL || 'info',
stream : process.stdout,
serializers : bunyan.stdSerializers
let brokerFacade = new SqsBrokerFacade({
region: process.env.AWS_REGION,
accessKeyId: process.env.AWS_ACCESSKEYID,
secretAccessKey: process.env.AWS_SECRETACCESSKEY,
clientDomain: "clientDomain",
clientLane: "singleton"
log.info("Creating client");
let reefClient = new ReefClient(brokerFacade);
log.info('Adding listeners for info and error');
reefClient.on('info', (info) => { log.info(info); });
reefClient.on('error', (error) => { log.error(error); });
log.info('Client setup');
await reefClient.setup();
log.info('Client start');
await reefClient.start();
Making a request
There are three types of request:
-Commands: The ones that modify something in the server (Similar to a PUT/POST in HTTP)
reefClient.execute(domain, lane, command, payload, options);
-Fire and forget: The ones that don't need an answer, is a special type of command
reefClient.fireAndForget(domain, lane, command, payload, options);
-Queries: The ones that only make consult (Similar to a GET in HTTP)
reefClient.query(domain, lane, command, payload, options);
let domain = "database",
lane = "singleton",
command = "SAVE_USER",
payload = {
user: snowflake,
name: Example,
lastName: Foo
options = {
timeout: 3000 //in milisecconds, this is the default value if nothing is passed (do not apply to fireAndForget)
let response;
try {
response = await reefClient.execute(domain, lane, command, payload, options);
log.info('Response: ', response);
} catch (e) {
log.error("There was an error: ", e);
#How does it work
Each service has a request queue compose of the domain and lane. For example a queue full name will be:
Each client has a response queue compose of the domain and lane. For example the queue name of the last example will be:
The service in the other side will send a message through that queue, and the cliente will process that.