creates all certificates and keys needed for openvpn (using EasyRSA v3.0.8) alongside with the config files and directory tree needed on the server and client side.
It will ask you for the name of the ca, the vpn-server, it's remote address and how many client certificates/keys you want to create. A zip compressed directory is then assambled for each individual client.
The server.conf is edited in a way, that each client will get it's own IP-address, beginning with Therefore the client config directory (ccd) is created, too.
There is also to add more clients afterwards (e.g. hugo).
You can choose a specific IP for each client added afterwards individually.
The directory stucture will look like this:
| +---...
| ...
| +---ta.key
| +---ca.crt
| +---dh.pem
| +---server.crt
| +---server.key
| +---server.conf
| |
| +---ccd/
- zip
- unzip
- zsh
- openvpn (2.5.1-3)
Feel free to edit to make it suit your needs.
This openvpn how to could come in handy ;)
Important: One should do this before running the script.
cd scripts
cd <path_to_output>/openvpn/server
sudo openvpn sserver.conf
Just copy output/openvpn/server to /etc/openvpn/ and start the systemd service:
systemctl enable openvpn-server@server.service
systemctl start openvpn-server@server.service
Where ...@server... specifies the used configuration file/directory.
Similar to the server.
At least on linux.