Quickly configure Windows with the objectively best settings
Please create a pull request, and create a JSON file in the configs directory. The file's name should be your username.
To see examples of what the file should be like, view other JSON files in there.
All the options can all be found in the configs' README.md.
And all these different options are configurable per user. It works by finding their config based off of the computer's username.
iwr "https://github.com/likes-gay/win-config/releases/latest/download/main.ps1" -OutFile main.ps1; .\main.ps1
curl -L -o likes-gay-config.exe https://github.com/likes-gay/win-config/releases/latest/download/likes-gay-config.exe && likes-gay-config.exe && del likes-gay-config.exe
Upload the payload.dd
to your USB
We use PSScriptAnalyzer with all the rules enabled.
Windows, without admin:
Install-Module -Name PSScriptAnalyzer -Scope CurrentUser -Force
sudo apt install -y powershell
Install-Module -Name PSScriptAnalyzer -Force
Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -Path .\main.ps1 -Settings .\linter-settings.psd1