This is a VuePress & Github Pages static website for describing our enigmatica 8 server
You can checkout our site at:
Table of Contents
# if npm is not installed,
sudo apt-get install npm
# init this repo as vuepress
npm install -g yarn
yarn init
yarn add -D vuepress
yarn add -D @vuepress/plugin-back-to-top
yarn add -D @vuepress/plugin-last-updated
yarn add -D vuepress-plugin-code-copy
If version of 'node' is lower than 12.x version, you must reinstall node.js with higher version
## purge old node js
sudo apt purge nodejs
## remove ols apt sources.list of nodejs
sudo rm -rf /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nodesource.list
## get new sources list, 14.x version
sudo curl -sL | bash -
##### if above curl is failed with permission issue, try these instead #####
# wget
# mv setup_14.x
# chmod +x
# sudo ./
## install node js with new apt.sources.list
sudo apt install nodejs
## check node version is 14.x
node --version
That script is doing:
- run adjustment python scripts
- do
npm run doc
to build html files and open local test server
Than will open as a local server address which is usally:
# check current branch is 'main'
# message "fatal: A branch named 'main' already exists." is normal
git branch main
# commit new changes to local main branch
# please change 'description of these changes' as your message
# ex) git commit -m "add : new systems, villager land"
git add .
git commit -m "description of these changes"
# push new changes to remote main brance
git push
# run a deply script to deploy changed docs to our server
That script is doing:
- run adjustment python scripts
- do
npm run build
to build html files - make a new git init in doc/.vuepress/dist
- init a new commit
- force push to gh-pages branch
Custom comment-based text generator for document cross referencing. python3 library only for this repo to take care of auto generating cross-reference between pages