died and I needed a weather monitor replacement
Requires GeekTool, which can be downloaded from
Requires a weather API key from
Register App for use at
Generate your API key
Paste your API key into the weather.php script $OPTIONS, near the top
Open GeekTool
- Drag new 'Shell' Geeklet to your desktop
- Paste the following line into the Shell Command:
/path/to/php /path/to/jWeather/weather.php
The following command can show you the path to your php install:
which php
Set the command to run every 3,600 seconds
Set Timeout to something such as 20 seconds
Check Display status feedback image
In your terminal, run
/path/to/php /path/to/jWeather/weather.php
to generate the weather display, if necessary or to test
This only applies if you chose to not do method 1
Create a cron entry in your system for the weather script to run:
In your terminal, run
crontab -e
Paste the following into your crontab:
0 * * * * /path/to/php /path/to/jWeather/weather.php
Ensure your terminal has full disk access if issues are encountered
- Full disk access for your terminal should not be necessary, as it has not been during my testing
Drag new 'Image' Geeklet to your desktop
Set local path to:
Resize the 'Image' window to desired size by dragging the bottom right corner
Set to run every every 2 seconds or no more than 3600 seconds
At this point, you should be set!
Any Mac system that has php installed
- You can change size of font in weather.php, along with other settings
- You may need to run
/path/to/php /path/to/jWeather/weather.php
to see those changes immediately