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dugalh committed Sep 28, 2023
1 parent 5adb038 commit 17b8e0f
Showing 1 changed file with 88 additions and 131 deletions.
219 changes: 88 additions & 131 deletions tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -138,10 +138,8 @@ def test_reproject_dem(
ortho = Ortho(rgb_byte_src_file, float_wgs84_wgs84_dem_file, pinhole_camera, crs=utm34n_crs, dem_band=2)

# find initial dem bounds
with, 'r') as dem_im:
init_crs =
init_bounds = array_bounds(*ortho._dem_array.shape, ortho._dem_transform)
init_bounds = np.array(transform_bounds(init_crs, ortho._crs, *init_bounds))
init_bounds = np.array(transform_bounds(ortho._dem_crs, ortho._crs, *init_bounds))

# reproject
array, transform = ortho._reproject_dem(interp, resolution)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -193,15 +191,15 @@ def test_reproject_dem_vdatum_both(
dem_win =
*array_bounds(*ortho._dem_array.shape, ortho._dem_transform), transform=transform
cmp_array = array[dem_win.toslices()]
cmp_transform =, transform)
test_array = array[dem_win.toslices()]
test_transform =, transform)

assert not ortho._crs_equal
assert cmp_transform.almost_equals(ortho._dem_transform, precision=1e-6)
assert cmp_array.shape == ortho._dem_array.shape
assert test_transform.almost_equals(ortho._dem_transform, precision=1e-6)
assert test_array.shape == ortho._dem_array.shape

mask = ~np.isnan(cmp_array) & ~np.isnan(ortho._dem_array)
assert cmp_array[mask] != pytest.approx(ortho._dem_array[mask], abs=5)
mask = ~np.isnan(test_array) & ~np.isnan(ortho._dem_array)
assert test_array[mask] != pytest.approx(ortho._dem_array[mask], abs=5)

# @formatter:off
Expand All @@ -228,15 +226,15 @@ def test_reproject_dem_vdatum_one(
dem_win =
*array_bounds(*ortho._dem_array.shape, ortho._dem_transform), transform=transform
cmp_array = array[dem_win.toslices()]
cmp_transform =, transform)
test_array = array[dem_win.toslices()]
test_transform =, transform)

assert not ortho._crs_equal
assert cmp_transform.almost_equals(ortho._dem_transform, precision=1e-6)
assert cmp_array.shape == ortho._dem_array.shape
assert test_transform.almost_equals(ortho._dem_transform, precision=1e-6)
assert test_array.shape == ortho._dem_array.shape

mask = ~np.isnan(cmp_array) & ~np.isnan(ortho._dem_array)
assert cmp_array[mask] == pytest.approx(ortho._dem_array[mask], abs=1e-3)
mask = ~np.isnan(test_array) & ~np.isnan(ortho._dem_array)
assert test_array[mask] == pytest.approx(ortho._dem_array[mask], abs=1e-3)

@pytest.mark.parametrize('num_pts', [40, 100, 400, 1000, 4000])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -278,28 +276,29 @@ def test_mask_dem(
""" Test the similarity of the DEM (ortho boundary) and ortho valid data mask (without cropping). """
# Note that these tests should use the pinhole camera model to ensure no artefacts outside the ortho boundary, and
# DEM < camera height to ensure no ortho artefacts in DEM > camera height areas. As the the DEM (ortho
# boundary) excludes occluded pixels, while the ortho image does not, the flat dem band (2) is used so there is no
# occlusion.
# DEM < camera height to ensure no ortho artefacts in DEM > camera height areas. While the DEM mask excludes
# (boundary) occluded pixels while, the ortho image mask does not i.e. to compare these masks, there should be no
# DEM-ortho occlusion.
# TODO: add test with dem that includes occlusion
_xyz = tuple(np.array(camera_args['xyz']) + xyz_offset)
_opk = tuple(np.array(camera_args['opk']) + np.radians(opk_offset))
camera: Camera = PinholeCamera(
camera_args['im_size'], camera_args['focal_len'], sensor_size=camera_args['sensor_size'], xyz=_xyz, opk=_opk,
resolution = (5, 5)
resolution = (3, 3)
num_pts = 400
dem_interp = Interp.cubic

# create an ortho image without DEM masking
ortho = Ortho(rgb_byte_src_file, float_utm34n_dem_file, camera, crs=utm34n_crs, dem_band=2)
ortho = Ortho(rgb_byte_src_file, float_utm34n_dem_file, camera, crs=utm34n_crs, dem_band=1)
dem_array, dem_transform = ortho._reproject_dem(dem_interp, resolution)
ortho_file = tmp_path.joinpath('test_ortho.tif')
with, 'r') as src_im:
ortho_profile, _ = ortho._create_ortho_profile(
src_im, dem_array.shape, dem_transform, dtype='uint8', compress=Compress.deflate
with, 'w', **ortho_profile) as ortho_im:
ortho._remap(src_im, ortho_im, dem_array, full_remap=True, write_mask=False)
ortho._remap(src_im, ortho_im, dem_array, interp=Interp.nearest, full_remap=True, write_mask=False)

# create the dem mask
dem_array_mask, dem_transform_mask = ortho._mask_dem(
Expand All @@ -312,10 +311,12 @@ def test_mask_dem(
with, 'r') as ortho_im:
ortho_mask = ortho_im.dataset_mask().astype('bool')

# test dem mask validity
# test dem mask contains, and is similar to the ortho mask
assert dem_transform_mask == dem_transform
assert dem_mask.shape == ortho_mask.shape
assert dem_mask[ortho_mask].sum() / ortho_mask.sum() > 0.99
assert dem_mask[ortho_mask].sum() / ortho_mask.sum() > 0.95
cc = np.corrcoef(dem_mask.flatten(), ortho_mask.flatten())
assert (np.all(dem_mask) and np.all(ortho_mask)) or (cc[0, 1] > 0.9)

if False:
# debug plotting code
Expand All @@ -342,38 +343,15 @@ def plot_poly(mask: np.ndarray, transform=dem_transform, ico='k'):
pyplot.plot(*ortho._camera._T[:2], 'cx')

# @formatter:off
'xyz_offset, opk_offset', [
# varying rotations starting at `rotation` fixture value and keeping FOV below horizon
((0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0)),
((0, 0, 0), (-15, 10, 0)),
((0, 0, 0), (-30, 20, 0)),
((0, 0, 0), (-45, 20, 0)),
# varying positions with partial dem coverage
((0, 5.5e2, 0), (0, 0, 0)),
((0, 0, 1.1e3), (0, 0, 0)),
((0, 0, 2.e3), (0, 0, 0)),
) # yapf: disable # @formatter:on
def test_mask_dem_crop(
rgb_byte_src_file: Path, float_utm34n_partial_dem_file: Path, camera_args: Dict, utm34n_crs: str, xyz_offset: Tuple,
opk_offset: Tuple
""" Test the DEM mask is cropped to mask boundaries and does not include DEM nodata. """
_xyz = np.array(camera_args['xyz']) + xyz_offset
_opk = np.array(camera_args['opk']) + np.radians(opk_offset)
camera: Camera = PinholeCamera(
camera_args['im_size'], camera_args['focal_len'], sensor_size=camera_args['sensor_size'], xyz=_xyz, opk=_opk,
def test_mask_dem_crop(rgb_pinhole_utm34n_ortho: Ortho, tmp_path: Path):
""" Test the DEM mask is cropped to mask boundaries. """
ortho = rgb_pinhole_utm34n_ortho
resolution = (5, 5)
num_pts = 400
dem_interp = Interp.cubic

# mask the dem without cropping
ortho = Ortho(rgb_byte_src_file, float_utm34n_partial_dem_file, camera, crs=utm34n_crs)
dem_array, dem_transform = ortho._reproject_dem(dem_interp, resolution)
valid_mask = ~np.isnan(dem_array)
dem_array_mask, dem_transform_mask = ortho._mask_dem(
dem_array.copy(), dem_transform, dem_interp, full_remap=True, crop=False, mask=True, num_pts=num_pts
Expand All @@ -398,89 +376,45 @@ def test_mask_dem_crop(
assert np.min(ij, axis=1) == pytest.approx((0, 0), abs=1)
assert np.max(ij, axis=1) == pytest.approx(np.array(mask_crop.shape) - 1, abs=1)

# test mask does not include dem nodata
assert np.all(valid_mask[mask])

# @formatter:off
@pytest.mark.parametrize('camera', ['pinhole_camera', 'brown_camera', 'opencv_camera', 'fisheye_camera'])
def test_mask_dem_full_remap(
rgb_byte_src_file: Path, float_utm34n_dem_file: Path, camera: str, utm34n_crs, tmp_path: Path,
request: pytest.FixtureRequest
def test_mask_dem_partial(
rgb_byte_src_file: Path, float_utm34n_partial_dem_file: Path, camera_args: Dict, utm34n_crs: str
""" Test the similarity of DEM masks with ``full_remap=True/False``. """
# TODO: add or change to test with oblique view with partial dem coverage
camera: Camera = request.getfixturevalue(camera)
ortho = Ortho(rgb_byte_src_file, float_utm34n_dem_file, camera, utm34n_crs)
resolution = (3, 3)
""" Test the DEM mask excludes DEM nodata and is cropped to mask boundaries. """
camera: Camera = PinholeCamera(**camera_args)
resolution = (5, 5)
num_pts = 400
dem_interp = Interp.cubic
ortho = Ortho(rgb_byte_src_file, float_utm34n_partial_dem_file, camera, utm34n_crs)

# create reference masked dem with full_remap=True & test masked dem with full_remap=False
# mask the dem without cropping
dem_array, dem_transform = ortho._reproject_dem(dem_interp, resolution)
ref_dem_array, ref_dem_transform = ortho._mask_dem(
dem_array.copy(), dem_transform, dem_interp, full_remap=True, num_pts=num_pts
test_dem_array, test_dem_transform = ortho._mask_dem(
dem_array.copy(), dem_transform, dem_interp, full_remap=False, num_pts=num_pts
valid_mask = ~np.isnan(dem_array)
dem_array_mask, dem_transform_mask = ortho._mask_dem(
dem_array.copy(), dem_transform, dem_interp, full_remap=True, crop=False, mask=True, num_pts=num_pts
mask = ~np.isnan(dem_array_mask)

# crop reference to test and compare bounds
ref_bounds = np.array(array_bounds(*ref_dem_array.shape, ref_dem_transform))
test_bounds = np.array(array_bounds(*test_dem_array.shape, test_dem_transform))
test_win = from_bounds(*test_bounds, transform=ref_dem_transform)
ref_dem_array = ref_dem_array[test_win.toslices()]
assert test_bounds == pytest.approx(ref_bounds, resolution[0])

# test mask similarity
ref_mask = ~np.isnan(ref_dem_array)
test_mask = ~np.isnan(test_dem_array)
cc = np.corrcoef(test_mask.flatten(), ref_mask.flatten())
assert cc[0, 1] > 0.99

# crop & mask the dem
dem_array_crop, dem_transform_crop = ortho._mask_dem(
dem_array.copy(), dem_transform, dem_interp, full_remap=True, crop=True, mask=True, num_pts=num_pts
mask_crop = ~np.isnan(dem_array_crop)

'cam_type, dist_param', [
(CameraType.brown, 'brown_dist_param'),
(CameraType.opencv, 'opencv_dist_param'),
(CameraType.fisheye, 'fisheye_dist_param'),
) # yapf: disable
def test_mask_dem_alpha(
cam_type: CameraType, dist_param: str, camera_args: Dict, rgb_byte_src_file: Path, float_utm34n_dem_file: Path,
utm34n_crs: str, tmp_path: Path, request: pytest.FixtureRequest
""" Test the ``alpha=1`` dem mask contains the ``alpha=0`` dem mask with ``full_remap=False``. """
dist_param: Dict = request.getfixturevalue(dist_param) if dist_param else {}
camera_alpha1 = create_camera(cam_type, **camera_args, **dist_param, alpha=1.)
camera_alpha0 = create_camera(cam_type, **camera_args, **dist_param, alpha=0.)
resolution = (3, 3)
dem_interp = Interp.cubic
num_pts = 400
# find the window of mask_crop in mask
bounds_crop = array_bounds(*dem_array_crop.shape, dem_transform_crop)
win_crop = from_bounds(*bounds_crop, dem_transform_mask)

# create reference masked dem with alpha=1 & test masked dem with alpha=0
ortho = Ortho(rgb_byte_src_file, float_utm34n_dem_file, camera_alpha1, utm34n_crs, dem_band=1)
dem_array, dem_transform = ortho._reproject_dem(dem_interp, resolution)
ref_dem_array, ref_dem_transform = ortho._mask_dem(
dem_array.copy(), dem_transform, dem_interp, full_remap=False, num_pts=num_pts
ortho = Ortho(rgb_byte_src_file, float_utm34n_dem_file, camera_alpha0, utm34n_crs, dem_band=1)
test_dem_array, test_dem_transform = ortho._mask_dem(
dem_array.copy(), dem_transform, dem_interp, full_remap=False, num_pts=num_pts
# test the dem contains nodata
assert not np.all(valid_mask[win_crop.toslices()])

# crop reference to test and compare bounds
ref_bounds = np.array(array_bounds(*ref_dem_array.shape, ref_dem_transform))
test_bounds = np.array(array_bounds(*test_dem_array.shape, test_dem_transform))
test_win = from_bounds(*test_bounds, transform=ref_dem_transform)
assert np.all(test_bounds[:2] >= ref_bounds[:2]) and np.all(test_bounds[-2:] <= ref_bounds[-2:])
# test mask_crop extends to the boundaries
ij = np.where(mask_crop)
assert np.min(ij, axis=1) == pytest.approx((0, 0), abs=1)
assert np.max(ij, axis=1) == pytest.approx(np.array(mask_crop.shape) - 1, abs=1)

# test reference mask contains test mask
ref_mask = ~np.isnan(ref_dem_array)
test_mask = ~np.isnan(test_dem_array)
assert ref_mask.sum() > test_mask.sum()
ref_mask = ref_mask[test_win.toslices()]
assert (ref_mask[test_mask].sum() / test_mask.sum()) > .99
# test mask_crop excludes dem nodata
assert np.all(mask_crop == mask_crop & valid_mask[win_crop.toslices()])

def test_mask_dem_coverage_error(
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -644,8 +578,8 @@ def test_process_resolution(rgb_pinhole_utm34n_ortho: Ortho, resolution: Tuple,

# varying rotations starting at `rotation` fixture value and keeping FOV below horizon
'opk_offset', [(0, 0, 0), (-15, 10, 0), (-45, 20, 0)],
# varying rotations starting at `rotation` fixture value & keeping full DEM coverage
'opk_offset', [(0, 0, 0), (-15, 10, 0)],
def test_process_auto_resolution(
rgb_byte_src_file: Path, float_utm34n_dem_file: Path, camera_args: Dict, utm34n_crs: str, opk_offset: Tuple,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -757,16 +691,25 @@ def test_process_full_remap(
request: pytest.FixtureRequest
""" Test ortho equivalence for ``full_remap=True/False`` with ``alpha=1``. """
# Note the full_remap=False ortho is a twice interpolated, while the full_remap=True is a once interpolated
# source. This means the full_remap=False has slightly eroded mask boundaries compared to the full_remap=True
# ortho when using any interpolation except for nearest. As a compromise between mask and ortho pixel
# full_remap=True/False similarity, bilinear interpolation is used (bilinear has a smaller kernel than
# cubic/lanzos).
camera: Camera = request.getfixturevalue(camera)
ortho = Ortho(rgb_byte_src_file, float_utm34n_dem_file, camera, utm34n_crs)
resolution = (5, 5)
resolution = (3, 3)

# create a ref (full_remap=True) and test (full_remap=False) ortho for this camera
ortho_ref_file = tmp_path.joinpath('ref_ortho.tif')
ortho.process(ortho_ref_file, resolution, interp=Interp.bilinear, full_remap=True, compress=Compress.deflate)

ortho_ref_file, resolution, interp=Interp.bilinear, full_remap=True, dtype='float32', compress=Compress.deflate
ortho_test_file = tmp_path.joinpath('test_ortho.tif')
ortho.process(ortho_test_file, resolution, interp=Interp.bilinear, full_remap=False, compress=Compress.deflate)
ortho_test_file, resolution, interp=Interp.bilinear, full_remap=False, dtype='float32',

# compare ref & test ortho extents, masks and pixels
assert ortho_ref_file.exists() and ortho_test_file.exists()
Expand All @@ -783,14 +726,17 @@ def test_process_full_remap(
assert ref_bounds == pytest.approx(test_bounds, abs=resolution[0])
cc = np.corrcoef(ref_mask.flatten(), test_mask.flatten())
assert cc[0, 1] > 0.95
assert cc[0, 1] == pytest.approx(1., abs=1e-3) if isinstance(camera, PinholeCamera) else cc[0, 1] < 1.

mask = ref_mask & test_mask
cc = np.corrcoef(ref_array[:, mask].flatten(), test_array[:, mask].flatten())
assert cc[0, 1] > 0.95
assert cc[0, 1] == pytest.approx(1., abs=1e-3) if isinstance(camera, PinholeCamera) else cc[0, 1] < 1.

'cam_type, dist_param', [
(CameraType.pinhole, {}),
(CameraType.brown, 'brown_dist_param'),
(CameraType.opencv, 'opencv_dist_param'),
(CameraType.fisheye, 'fisheye_dist_param'),
Expand All @@ -800,7 +746,8 @@ def test_process_alpha(
cam_type: CameraType, dist_param: str, camera_args: Dict, rgb_byte_src_file: Path, float_utm34n_dem_file: Path,
utm34n_crs: str, tmp_path: Path, request: pytest.FixtureRequest
""" Test ortho with ``alpha=1`` contains ortho with ``alpha=0``. """
""" Test ortho with ``alpha=1`` contains and is similar to ortho with ``alpha=0``. """
# See the starting note for test_process_remap
dist_param: Dict = request.getfixturevalue(dist_param) if dist_param else {}
camera_alpha1 = create_camera(cam_type, **camera_args, **dist_param, alpha=1.)
camera_alpha0 = create_camera(cam_type, **camera_args, **dist_param, alpha=0.)
Expand All @@ -809,11 +756,16 @@ def test_process_alpha(
# create a ref (alpha=1) and test (alpha=0) ortho for this camera
ortho = Ortho(rgb_byte_src_file, float_utm34n_dem_file, camera_alpha1, utm34n_crs, dem_band=1)
ortho_ref_file = tmp_path.joinpath('ref_ortho.tif')
ortho.process(ortho_ref_file, resolution, interp=Interp.bilinear, full_remap=False, compress=Compress.deflate)
ortho_ref_file, resolution, interp=Interp.bilinear, full_remap=False, dtype='float32', compress=Compress.deflate

ortho = Ortho(rgb_byte_src_file, float_utm34n_dem_file, camera_alpha0, utm34n_crs, dem_band=1)
ortho_test_file = tmp_path.joinpath('test_ortho.tif')
ortho.process(ortho_test_file, resolution, interp=Interp.bilinear, full_remap=False, compress=Compress.deflate)
ortho_test_file, resolution, interp=Interp.bilinear, full_remap=False, dtype='float32',

# compare ref & test ortho extents, masks and pixels
assert ortho_ref_file.exists() and ortho_test_file.exists()
Expand All @@ -826,12 +778,17 @@ def test_process_alpha(
test_mask = test_im.dataset_mask().astype('bool')
test_bounds = np.array(test_im.bounds)

# test ref_mask contains test_mask
assert test_mask.shape == (ref_win.height, ref_win.width)
assert np.all(ref_bounds[:2] <= test_bounds[:2]) and np.all(ref_bounds[-2:] >= test_bounds[:2])
assert ref_mask.sum() > test_mask.sum()
if cam_type is CameraType.pinhole:
assert ref_mask.sum() == test_mask.sum()
assert ref_mask.sum() > test_mask.sum()
ref_mask = ref_mask[ref_win.toslices()]
assert (ref_mask[test_mask].sum() / test_mask.sum()) == 1.
assert (ref_mask[test_mask].sum() / test_mask.sum()) > 0.99

# test similarity of ortho pixels in intersecting ref-test area
mask = ref_mask & test_mask
ref_array = ref_array[(slice(0, ref_im.count), *ref_win.toslices())]
cc = np.corrcoef(ref_array[:, mask].flatten(), test_array[:, mask].flatten())
Expand Down

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