simple GUI viewer for vcf file (variant call format) using htslib.
From Qt website :
Download Qt > 5.7 from
Don't forget to check QtChart module during installation.
From ubuntu : Qt 5.7 is not yet avaible with ubuntu. But you can add PPA to your software system. For exemple for xenial
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:beineri/opt-qt57-xenial
sudo apt-get install qt57base qt57charts-no-lgpl
source /opt/qt57/bin/qt57-env.shf
From fedora : Qt 5.7 is avaible
sudo dnf install qt5-qtbase-devel qt5-qtcharts-devel
From Qt Creator: Open the from Qt creator Compile it and Run it
From Terminal: Be sure you have the correct version of Qt (>5.7) by using qmake. You will find qmake in bin folder where you installed Qt. For exemple, if you installed Qt from ppa:beineri, you will find it under /opt/qt57/bin/qmake. Then launch the compilation from CuteVCF folder as follow.
git clone --recursive
qmake --version