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Utilities by Python

by KzXuan

Display Tool (

  • timer (计时器):Timing for program.

    from display_tool import timer
    timer.start(desc="* Record run time")
    # Do anything here.
  • dot (等待器):Waiting for completion and print dots.

    from display_tool import dot
    """Usage 1"""
    dot.start(desc="* Loading a file")
    # Do anything here.
    """Usage 2"""
    @dot(desc="* Loading a file")
    def load():
        # Do anything here.
  • slash (闪烁器):Waiting for completion and print spinner.

    from display_tool import slash
    """Usage 1"""
    slash.start(desc="* Loading a file")
    # Do anything here.
    """Usage 1"""
    @slash(desc="* Loading a file")
    def load():
        # Do anything here.
  • bar (进度条):Progress bar when looping (with tqdm).

    from display_tool import bar
    """Usage 1"""
    for i in bar(100, desc="* Make a loop"):
        # Do anything here.
    """Usage 2"""
    l = list(range(100))
    for i in bar(l, desc="* Make a loop"):
        # Do anything here.
    """Usage 3"""
    for i in bar(4, desc="* Loop 1"):
        for j in bar(100, desc="* Loop 2", leave=False):
            # Do anything here.
  • table (表格):Print table line-by-line.

    from display_tool import table
    """Usage 1"""
    t = table(col=4, ndigits=2)
    t.row([0, 0, 0, 0])
    t.row([1, 0.8, 0.9, 0.85])
    t.row([2, 0.8223, 0.8994, 0.8591])
    t.row([30, "Error!", "Error!", "Error!"])
    """Usage 2"""
    t = table(col=['Epoch', 'P', 'R', 'F'], place='>', ndigits=4)
    t.row([0, 0, 0, 0])
    t.row([1, 0.8, 0.9, 0.85])
    t.row({'Epoch': 2, 'P': 0.8223, 'R': 0.8994, 'F': 0.8591})
    t.row([3000000000, "Error!", "Error!", "Error!"])

Predict Analysis (

  • Get all evaluation metrics, including Accuracy, macro/micro-P/R/F, based on real labels and classification prediction.

    from predict_analysis import prfacc
    true = [1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 0]
    pred = [0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1]
    get = prfacc.analysis(true, pred, one_hot=False, ndigits=4)
    tab = prfacc.tabular(class_name=['pos', 'neu', 'neg'])
    ## get:
        'Acc': 0.2857, 'Correct': array([0, 1, 1]),
        'C0-P': 0.0, 'C1-P': 0.3333, 'C2-P': 0.3333, 'Mi-P': 0.2857, 'Ma-P': 0.2222,
        'C0-R': 0.0, 'C1-R': 0.25, 'C2-R': 1.0, 'Mi-R': 0.2857, 'Ma-R': 0.4167,
        'C0-F': 0.0, 'C1-F': 0.2857, 'C2-F': 0.5, 'Mi-F': 0.2857, 'Ma-F': 0.2898
    ## tab:
              pos     neu     neg micro/avg macro/sum
    correct     0       1       1    0.6667         2
    predict     1       3       3    2.3333         7
    label       2       4       1    2.3333         7
    precision   0  0.3333  0.3333    0.2857    0.2222
    recall      0    0.25       1    0.2857    0.4167
    f1-score    0  0.2857     0.5    0.2857    0.2898
    accuracy                                   0.2857

Word Vector (

  • Load word embedding file and check a word.

    import word_vector as wv
    w2v = wv.load_w2v("./Glove_w2v.txt", type='txt', header=True, check_zero=True)
    ## w2v["hello"]:
    [ 3.4683e-01 -1.9612e-01 ... 8.2294e-02 -5.4478e-01]
    ## w2v.index["hello"]:
  • Simplify word embedding file with task word list.

    words = ["hello", ..., "you"]
    sim_w2v = wv.simplify_w2v(w2v, words, out_file="./task_w2v.txt", rand_not_in=False)
  • Convert a text to vector, by mean/max value, joint connect or index query.

    text = ["hello", "how", "are", "you", "."]
    """Usage 1"""
    vector = wv.text_vector(text, w2v, mode='mean')
    ## vector:
    [ 3.37970000e-01  1.61538168e-01 ... -1.16186400e-01  7.80512000e-02]
    """Usage 2"""
    vector, length = wv.text_vector(text, w2v, mode='index', padding=10)
    ## vector:
    [ 2210  9327  6758 14882 15747     0     0     0     0     0]
    ## length:
  • Convert a document to matrix.

    doc = [
        ["hello", "how", "are", "you", "."],
        ["I", "am", "fine", ",", "thank", "you", "."]
    """Usage 1"""
    vector, doc_length = wv.doc_vector(doc, w2v, mode='max', padding=3)
    ## vector:
    [[ 3.37970000e-01  1.61538168e-01 ... -1.16186400e-01  7.80512000e-02]
     [ 7.40816667e-02  1.06451640e-01 ... -1.59695167e-01  1.59934333e-01]
     [ 0.00000000e+00  0.00000000e+00 ...  0.00000000e+00  0.00000000e+00]]
    ## doc_length:
    """Usage 2"""
    vector, doc_length, sen_length = wv.doc_vector(doc, w2v, mode='index', padding=3)
    ## vector:
    [[ 2210.  9327.  6758. 14882. 15747.     0.     0.]
     [14381. 12643. 37101. 13862. 14882. 15747.     0.]
     [    0.     0.     0.     0.     0.     0.     0.]]
    ## doc_length:
    ## sen_length:
    [5 6 0]

Easy Function (

  • Get one-hot epression of labels.

    from easy_function import one_hot
    label = [0, 1, 2, 2, 0, 1]
    oh = one_hot(label)
    ## oh:
    [[1 0 0]
     [0 1 0]
     [0 0 1]
     [0 0 1]
     [1 0 0]
     [0 1 0]]


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