Budget planner has been my new project for a github portfolio. Like in Todo List project, I used BEM, SCSS and vanilla JS.
For the first time, I used OOP and it was very interesting. Maybe I could use it more in the project, but there is one and mainc class Transactions.
Instead of using local storage for storing the data, I decide to go with Firebase. Also, for the chart I used chart.js.
Functionalities that this project has are:
- Add income/expense
- Remove income/expense
- Update balance
- Update chart
- Update progress bar
- Register/Login/Logout
Since I used Firebase, everything is updated in real time.
I am aware that some things could be written better, because there is a part after the // FIREBASE comment in main.js file where the code is repeating, but I'm still learning new things.
Create new Firebase project, and copy/paste your web app's Firebase configuration in firebase.js file.
After that, you need to go to Firestore Database and update the rules:
rules_version = '2';
service cloud.firestore {
match /databases/{database}/documents {
match /{document=**} {
allow read, write;
// match any doc in transactions collection
match /transactions/{transactionId} {
allow read, write: if request.auth.uid != null;
To be able to sort transactions properly after reloading the page, there is one more thing you need to add new index in Firestore Databse Indexes. The index is going to be:
Collection ID: transactions
Fields Indexed: user Ascending id Ascending
Query Scope: Collection
This could be a great starter kit for a project with React or any other framework where new features could be added, such as:
- User profile
- User settings
- Set up color scheme
- Set up expense categories