- Here you will find submit and qsub scripts for running a DWI connectome pipeline on a cluster server.
- This pipeline outputs ACT-processed and ACT+SIFT-processed 471x471 connectomes for both fractional anisotropy (FA) and streamline values.
- DWI data in NIfTI format (nii.gz)
- bvec file (or a .bxh file that contains bvec inputs)
- bval file (or a .bxh file that contains bval inputs)
- T1-image
- DWI-images containing b=0 and two shell volumes (see step 5.a under preparation steps for instructions about one versus two-shell scans)
- FSL library (https://fsl.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl/fslwiki)
- MRtrix3 toolbox (http://www.mrtrix.org/)
- Designate EXPERIMENT variable at the top of the qsub script.
- This is your base directory (see Directory Structure below).
- Edit the SUBJ array.
- This is the name of the directory that contains the subject’s data.
- Edit the SUBJ2 array.
- This is the subject’s identification number included in the file-naming convention.
- This also will be the name of the directory where the subject’s connectome outputs are placed.
- Edit the RUNTYPE array – if applicable.
- This array uses the case esac statement in the submit script. The order of the RUN arrays goes: b=1000 run, b=2000 run, T1 run.
- This allows for flexibility in file naming convention between subjects that are all run through the connectome script in the same go. It is highly dependent on your file-naming convention
- Overall, edit the script as necessary to match your own file-naming and data organization system.
- In particular, the script is written for two shells of DWI data, so edit the MERGE section of the qsub script if you are only analyzing one-shell DWI data.
│ │
│ └───SUBJ
- Log in to your cluster server.
- Navigate to the directory containing the submit script.
- Run the submit script, which will call the qsub script for all subjects in the SUBJ and SUBJ2 arrays.
- The qsub script has run successfully when all subjects have the following four documents in their SUBJ2 directory, and all four of these documents contain a 471x471 matrix:
- SUBJ2_FAconnectome_ACT: this is a 471 x 471 matrix of fractional anisotropy values (FA) that have undergone anatomically constrained tractography (MRtrix3 commands 5ttgen and tckgen with the –act flag).
- SUBJ2_STRconnectome_ACT: this is a 471 x 471 matrix of streamline values (total fibers between two ROIs) that have undergone anatomical constrained tractography (MRtrix3 commands 5ttgen and tckgen with the –act flag).
- SUBJ2_FAconnectome_ACTSIFT: this is a 471 x 471 matrix of fractional anisotropy values (FA) that have undergone both anatomical constrained tractography (MRtrix3 commands 5ttgen and tckgen with the –act flag) AND spherical-deconvolution informed filtering of tractograms (SIFT; MRtrix3 command tcksift).
- SUBJ2_STRconnectome_ACTSIFT: this is a 471 x 471 matrix of streamline values (total fibers between two ROIs) that have undergone both anatomical constrained tractography (MRtrix3 commands 5ttgen and tckgen with the –act flag) AND spherical-deconvolution informed filtering of tractograms (SIFT; MRtrix3 command tcksift).
- DWI = Diffusion Weighted Imaging
- NIfTI = Neuroimaging Informatics Technology Initiative
- ACT = Anatomically Constrained Tractography
- SIFT = Spherical-deconvolution Informed Filtering of Tractograms
- FA = Fractional Anisotropy
- STR = Streamline